Oh yes. Another thing with people bitching about the fight scenes? I think they were more action SEQUENCES than fight scenes, really.
Opening scene is fine. They're just storming a HYDRA base is all.
Mk I Ultron crashing the party was fine introducing the baddie.
The sequence on Klaw's ship was actually very cool. It was the first real time where the team was put up against Ultron and the twins and showed more of what they were capable of. All of Pietro's bits were fantastic there from punching Cap to trying to grab Mjolnir. Not to mention Wanda mind ****ing everyone. the Ultron and Iron Man sequences during this scene were pretty well choreographed too.
Don't think I need to go into the Hulkbuster fight.
My favorite part of the entire film is honestly the Avengers landing in South Korea to extract the gem cradle from Ultron, ALL THE WAY up to the new Avengers team with Vision on their way to to Sokovia. Seeing Cap hold his own against Ultron, Clint worrying about Natasha. I actually noticed my third time around they Nat and Clint in a way reversed roles in trying to find one another after being taken by the main baddie. Then you have Cap, Wanda, and Pietro stopping the train which awesomely demonstrated what the twins can do with their powers. Then you have the entire Vision birthing scene. Every single line and action that comes out of Vision is pure brilliance when it comes to that character. And lastly, Cap's plan speech on the way to Sokovia is honestly my new version of the "circle shot Avengers assembling" from the first movie. Cap explaining his plan. Tony, Bruce, and Steve talking about the plan. Vision and Thor standing on the edge of Avengers tower, capes blowing. That looked beautiful. That's probably my favorite shot, actually. That or the shot of Clint up on the balcony in Sokovia.
And I don't think I need to talk too much about my favorite scene in the entire film, which is the final scene between Vision and Ultron. It was just a perfect Vision/Ultron exchange.
I gotta say there were some really damn good things in this film. Sorry for the long write ups you guys. XD after three viewings, I'm now putting my final thoughts together on this film.
Alright, I'm done.