Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1st, 2015)

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yeah these are really good points.

Im wondering, was Ultron EVER mentioned in any of the other movies? or any indication that Tony Stark was working on Ultron or was thinking about it? Do the suits in Iron Man 3 count?
another thing that might be a problem and it was completely out of Joss' hands was how this movie feels different in that the rest of the Marvel movies feel more connected and plot points go from movie to movie.
but with Ultron it feels like it would be something they should be mentioning like, 2 movies ago. I think part of the problem is that they should have had Tony thinking about creating Ultron in Iron Man 3, I do not recall anything. it feels kind of "out of the blue" in this movie.
Exactly what I was thinking if they already intend to lead in the next movie then why not set up some seeds. Case point if civil was is next they could have used that as the subplot instead of the weak dream sequence. And I mentioned it earlier but Thanos is not being handled well at all and this is supposed to be the baddest mother of them all he is not being portrayed like anything other then a typical villian in fact he is rather incompetent as the 2 people of are supposed to get him the stones screw up or turn on him. They need to drop this family friendly crap and have him an edge.
They need to drop this family friendly crap and have him an edge.

Thanos will have an edge but not until the Russos get a hold of him. But I agree up until now Thanos has done nothing for me and it isn't exciting to see him in little cameos or post credit scenes. His best moment was at the end of the first Avengers.
His god-complex doesn't necessarily relate to his self-proclamation as a child of humanity (both of which don't necessarily conflict with one another given that Ultron was trying to make himself akin to a god). The fact that he sought to become immortal and even wanted to adopt a transcendental body out of his desired final form (which ended up being Vision) speaks volumes of it. This isn't new either, as it's been previously done in the comics where his final form was designated to be Adam Warlock (who in turn was essentially "space Jesus").

It's the reason why he stuck with Sokovia and why he centralized his plans inside a church. One of my most favorite quotes essentially alludes to his fascination of the concept.

Oh yes, you are correct I forgot about that, definitely need to see it again, I did feel like this one was deeper in terms of character, the 1st one gave me everything in one screening, this one had more moving pieces and stuff for each character that will most definitely come into play in their next individual movies.
Thanos will have an edge but not until the Russos get a hold of him. But I agree up until now Thanos has done nothing for me and it isn't exciting to see him in little cameos or post credit scenes. His best moment was at the end of the first Avengers.

He looked his best in that film too.
Exactly what I was thinking if they already intend to lead in the next movie then why not set up some seeds. Case point if civil was is next they could have used that as the subplot instead of the weak dream sequence. And I mentioned it earlier but Thanos is not being handled well at all and this is supposed to be the baddest mother of them all he is not being portrayed like anything other then a typical villian in fact he is rather incompetent as the 2 people of are supposed to get him the stones screw up or turn on him. They need to drop this family friendly crap and have him an edge.
According to Whedon, he didn't even know that Civil War was happening until way later into the production of AOU, which is why he didn't do much in the way of setting things up for future films. I think we're lucky enough that we even got moments of Tony and Steve fighting against each other considering how Whedon wasn't given the heads-up for it. :lecture

Whedon had definitely intended AOU to be more standalone though. Heck it's practically the reason why he signed up to make the Avengers, as he always wanted to work with Vision, Ultron and the Maximoff twins.
I admit that I don't need to see "build a better world by destoying the old one" in a Marvel movie anytime soon. TWS, DD, AoU. Okay guys, time to move on. Kudos for no beam of light shooting into the sky but still.

Very true

He looked his best in that film too.


Yeah, he did look better portrayed by the original actor. Since Brolin took over he just looks like a big blue Brian Dennehy to me.

Yeah, he did look better portrayed by the original actor. Since Brolin took over he just looks like a big blue Brian Dennehy to me.

Yeah, he was so much more menacing with that look and that color in the first movie. I really dislike the change.
Jesus H Christ Whedon, 3 hours and 15 minutes! :lol


"There was a 195-minute cut of this movie. [As concerns the Thor / Erik subplot], the original scene was that Thor went to speak to the Norn [Ed's note: weird sister-like characters in the Marvel universe] and how it would work was that he’d go in the pool and the Norn possess him, basically, and Erik Selvig asks all the questions, and the Norn, speaking through Thor, give the answers. So Chris [Hemsworth] got to do something different, and he really threw himself into it, and he did a beautiful job, but it wasn’t well regarded by the test audiences and I feel it’s probably largely because it was a rough cut with no effects, but also because it’s something that in a Thor movie would work brilliantly, but in this movie is just a little too left of centre.

Thor is the hardest guy to integrate. Originally it was Thor looking through library books; I really didn’t have anything visceral. Then I came up with what I felt was a huge win: it’s about Thor getting answers without having to answer the questions, and Chris gets to do something exciting as an actor and he’s got his ****ing shirt off, so everybody wins! It’s amazing how many people had to be on set that day. I do feel like they threw out the baby with the pond water, because I tried to set it up so people would accept it when it happens. Instead, we split the dream up, and then we had Loki in the second part of the dream, but then they were like, 'That doesn’t work, do we want to introduce Loki now, this late?'
I would have liked to see Thor going through books instead of the other thing, perhaps in the Halls of All-knowing with the librarian ditching scorn at Thor, that would have been way better than what they're describing.
Cheadle's hollow enjoyment when everyone laughed at his "boom" story after Stark and Thor ruined it was priceless.

That was awesome. I dig his contribution to every flick he was in so far. He's small bits in this were great. I was disappointed not to see Howard come back at first, but I'm sold on Cheadle's Rhodey

I don't know, I thought he actually cared enough about them to feel really disappointed that they turned on him. The fact that he seemed to show genuine respect and concern for them is still really in-line with Ultron's adoptive personality in the comics and it actually shows that he's not just some mindless killing machine that does evil for the sake of evil. He obviously liked their company, heck he might as well have adopted them as it was implied that he had planned for them to survive the human extinction event alongside him.

IDK, I didn't see it that way on first watch, I have to see how it hits me the next couple viewings. I'm on my way for round 2 tonight :yess:
I would have liked to see Thor going through books instead of the other thing, perhaps in the Halls of All-knowing with the librarian ditching scorn at Thor, that would have been way better than what they're describing.

What we got was confusing as all hell.

My wife was like, what the **** just happened? :lol

It worked just enough for me to comprehend that it was about the stones, so I just shrugged it off. :lol
Why didn't Thor go back to Asgar and came back with an army of Asgardians gods to take on Ultron's army? He can go back to Asgar at anytime, right? They fixed the bridge and Heimdall can see everything, including what's happening on earth.
What we got was confusing as all hell.

My wife was like, what the **** just happened? :lol

It worked just enough for me to comprehend that it was about the stones, so I just shrugged it off. :lol

Yeah, it was enough for me too :lol it was implied he got all the answers, good enough for me, it was a Nolanish move, in which something is implied and the audience is expected to get it to move the story forward and not waste too much time in an already long movie.

Why didn't Thor go back to Asgar and came back with an army of Asgardians gods to take on Ultron's army? He can go back to Asgar at anytime, right? They fixed the bridge and Heimdall can see everything, including what's happening on earth.

Shhhhhh, just roll with it. :lol

Actually, Thor is probably the only god in Asgard who cares about earth.
Asgard was still a mess after the Dark Elf.

And meanwhile Thor is partying on earth with his buddies and playing who can lift the hammer? What a douche :lol

Shhhhhh, just roll with it. :lol

Actually, Thor is probably the only god in Asgard who cares about earth.

What about his buddies from Asgar, the ones that would do anything for him? Thor can just go back and bring a few of his friends or some big creatures from his world...maybe some Asgardian technology....so many batter options than going for a swim :lol
What about his buddies from Asgar, the ones that would do anything for him? Thor can just go back and bring a few of his friends or some big creatures from his world...maybe some Asgardian technology....so many batter options than going for a swim :lol
I suspect locked up by Loki.

But yeah, seems this time they needed all the help they could get and the Bifrost looked perfectly functional.
I would have liked to see Thor going through books instead of the other thing, perhaps in the Halls of All-knowing with the librarian ditching scorn at Thor, that would have been way better than what they're describing.

Would also be a perfect lead in for a God of Thunder style. Man, if they had done the God-killer **** would be ****ed.