The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
I guess saving a kid isn't cool anymore post MOS, is that it.
So saving a villain is better, then having such a cool character be removed from the story for no reason other than not to make things easier in the plot when super speed would've easily solved everyones problem.
Yeah, he's so much better that they left him home.
You know what else was dumb? Quicksilver dying, when he could have easily just carried Hawkeye and the kid to safety. He's capable of incredible speed (to the point that bullets are easily dodgeable earlier in the film) and feats of strength: yet instead of picking up Barton and the kid (not out of the question since he can easily shoulder-barge Ultron to the floor), he just stands in the way and dies. Given how fast he is, he would literally have to stand and watch the bullets bore into him slowly
In addition, Quicksilver clearly fails to actually stop any of the bullets. The Quinjet is obviously armed with some powerful artillery (if it was shooting hand-held ammunition, it would be useless against vehicles), just look at Quicksilver after he’s shot. He’s literally swiss cheese, with entry and exit wounds.
All he did in reality was slow the still fatal bullets down. And yet Hawkeye and the kid miraculously survived. Dumb.