Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1st, 2015)

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I enjoyed IM3 and TWS more than I did AoU........seeing AoU was feeling "been there done that"..the others were at least different and surprising
GoTG was the best of the lot..
I agree with JAWS on IM3.

Extremis just seemed like a boring ability and Stark's PTSD didn't do it for me, plus that crappy end battle.

Only flaming superhero I like is Liberace.
I enjoyed IM3 for its unpredictability. Every five minutes seemed to feature a new surprise. Sure some of the surprises were pretty far "out there" but it was fun watching the umpteenth Marvel movie and actually NOT knowing what to expect.
Yeah, that's such a major criticism of Marvel movies, but you get a movie where you really can't possibly anticipate all the stuff that goes down, and people hate it even more!

Your comment is valid, and indicative of the criticisms against IM3 (remote suits, weak suits, and fake Mandarin being major ones). But they all stem around expectations not being met about how a super hero movie is supposed to play out. I think that if you can accept those things as just part of the story being told, you might find that the movie isn't so bad. Or, maybe you'll still hate it! But I was able to enjoy it for what it was, rather than what I was expecting it to be.
:exactly:I was among the many disappointed with iron man 3 initially. But I just re watched it last week and really enjoyed it.
Mandarin was a great villain until the reveal, but Trevor was funny.

I hated the side story of happy's injury, so poorly written.

Humor was not great, Stark popping over the crates irritated me. :lol

One day I will revisit it, once I have calmed my rage.
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No confirmation, just an Amazon leak.

Remember the heavily rumored Avengers extended cut rerelease in the theater that never panned out.

I'm still holding out hope for the deleted Cap/Waitress scene to be put back in, I would repurchase the movie if that were to occur.
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Fair but firmly cool makes little sense ha

Fair but firmly cruel.....the word 'but' implies two contrary ideas beimg expressed. If he said fair and firmly cool maybe. But it's not really funny ha

I was thinking the same thing. I liked the line at first, and while it is still funny, it's a total oxymoron. I glad they went with the prima nocta line. A little dark twisted humor coming from Stark neva hurt nobody

I laugh at that, but I don't know what that means and haven't bothered to look into, you can just infer cuz it's Tony, the other one is pretty blatant lol. I'm surprised Disney is ok with it.

The only reason why I'm familiar is because of Braveheart actually. Only up to 1:50 pertains:

No confirmation, just an Amazon leak.

Remember the heavily rumored Avengers extended cut rerelease in the theater that never panned out.

I'm still holding out hope for the deleted Cap/Waitress scene to be put back in, I would repurchase the movie if that were to occur.

I loved all the deleted scenes in Avengers and thought that each one could have been kept in. I'm sure it was a decision based on time, but every one added something to each character. A directors cut with all of them included would be aweome
Skimming thru and dancing around spoilers here continues to be interesting. Of course I was hoping for more universal praise and this to be considered the best comic movie to date, but it doesn't seem like that's the case.

The word fun keeps getting thrown around and that scares me a little because it makes me think Guardians; I was really hoping for a darker, more serious tone a la Winter Soldier. I don't expect Ultron to be a T-800, but I was expecting him to be diabolical, as well as genius and witty. I'm going to try and leave all of my expectations at the door, go in objectively and just take it as it's given. I usually like most stuff that other people pick apart and have problems with anyway, so as long as this is in keeping with the better parts of the rest of the saga, it'll be a winner for me
Skimming thru and dancing around spoilers here continues to be interesting. Of course I was hoping for more universal praise and this to be considered the best comic movie to date, but it doesn't seem like that's the case.

The word fun keeps getting thrown around and that scares me a little because it makes me think Guardians; I was really hoping for a darker, more serious tone a la Winter Soldier. I don't expect Ultron to be a T-800, but I was expecting him to be diabolical, as well as genius and witty. I'm going to try and leave all of my expectations at the door, go in objectively and just take it as it's given. I usually like most stuff that other people pick apart and have problems with anyway, so as long as this is in keeping with the better parts of the rest of the saga, it'll be a winner for me
Look forward to what you think. It's good enough for me to need planning my third trip to see it which I've never done before ha
Skimming thru and dancing around spoilers here continues to be interesting. Of course I was hoping for more universal praise and this to be considered the best comic movie to date with the best villain to date, but it doesn't seem like that's the case.

The word fun keeps getting thrown around and that scares me a little because it makes me think Guardians; I was really hoping for a darker, more serious tone a la Winter Soldier. I don't expect Ultron to be a T-800, but I was expecting him to be diabolical, as well as genius and witty. I'm going to try and leave all of my expectations at the door, go in objectively and just take it as it's given. I usually like most stuff that other people pick apart and have problems with anyway, so as long as this is in keeping with the better parts of the rest of the saga, it'll be a winner for me

I have 1:00pm tix tomorrow, and 11:00pm on Wednesday. Can't wait!!
Well maybe it's because you were EXPECTING Iron Man 3 to be your type of film. If you watch it as specifically being NOT for you, then maybe you'll enjoy it. :monkey3

Oh you mean if I expect a crappy movie I might like it? But won't it still be crappy because I don't like crappy films ;) :)

Seriously, it's not my kind of film because I like a good interesting villain, exciting action, and a good script... This film had none of that for me... Actually I did not hate it until he showed up in Florida... And then it's not just the big reveal of the Mandarin that hurt the film.. But the tone got dumber and nuttier.. Being unpredictable at the expense of the story is not a good move IMO.

But many enjoyed that one also...

Well you have to consider who was behind it. This was Shane Black, teaming with RDJ for the first time since Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. It was never going to be a straight-up, traditional action movie. And you weren't going to get rid of humor any sooner than you would find a Whedon film with no humor (even Alien: Resurrection had unintentional humor).

There was Humor in the first IM film and in the Avengers that worked very well and did not come across as a sit com.. IM stubling down stairs (made worse by bad CGI), Tony repeatedly counting and saying they were in trouble.... NOW... And noting would happen.. I kept waiting for Chrissy and Janet to show up.

Just not my kind of humor...
Skimming thru and dancing around spoilers here continues to be interesting. Of course I was hoping for more universal praise and this to be considered the best comic movie to date with the best villain to date, but it doesn't seem like that's the case.

The word fun keeps getting thrown around and that scares me a little because it makes me think Guardians; I was really hoping for a darker, more serious tone a la Winter Soldier. I don't expect Ultron to be a T-800, but I was expecting him to be diabolical, as well as genius and witty. I'm going to try and leave all of my expectations at the door, go in objectively and just take it as it's given. I usually like most stuff that other people pick apart and have problems with anyway, so as long as this is in keeping with the better parts of the rest of the saga, it'll be a winner for me

I have 1:00pm tix tomorrow, and 11:00pm on Wednesday. Can't wait!!

It's darker... But mostly because it's filmed darker... It's tone is not really like the trailers at all.

Having said that.. It still has a darker tone then the original Avengers.. But that might be just because I thought the original was so much better. :)
Yeah, that's such a major criticism of Marvel movies, but you get a movie where you really can't possibly anticipate all the stuff that goes down, and people hate it even more!

Again I think when you go so far of the rails it is bound to irritate a few... It's not that I hated the Mandarin reveal because of what they did to the Mandarin... It's that he was at the time a great villain.. You then end up with a bad villain in Killian... You take a film like the original IM which had great comedic witty humor and you lower this one to fart Jokes and pratfalls. Being different just for the sake of being different is not a good thing.