Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)
I thought it was an odd choice having Sam being given the go ahead from Barnes to talk to Steve. The history and MCU has been heavily weighted on Rogers and Barnes’ friendship and certainly Barnes has the superior abilities and training. I get that Wilson was given the mantle VERY RECENTLY in the comics but it seems a bit PC. Yeah I said it.
*Shrug* Bucky is my favorite MCU character and I was really looking forward to nods to the more edgier Bucky Cap of the comics. Falcon is another fav. Stellar actors.
I could go either way but personally think recent explanations like "Bucky can still be mind controlled" are BS

. He's healed enough to be living in a village with old people and little kids around and/or be in battle and not freak out and kill everyone around him at random. Also it would imply the high tech Wakanda doesn't know what the *&^% they are doing.
But Marvel rolls over any logic as needed so whatever

. Either/or IMO is a good choice. IMO some of the Falcon-Cap fan art is kinda cool, got an almost American eagle vibe. However the actors feel about it, I miss Bucky really tearing it up and enjoy him being feral. He looks COOL

. Which I suspect is one of the reasons things played out the way they did, since one of the writers felt Bucky would be wasted as Cap - and gotta agree tho I wouldn't put it that way. But Bucky Cap wouldn't do what WS/White Wolf would to get a job done.
And all these actors/actresses in these TV series need way more time than they got, so far. For me it's been maddening and irritating

, especially when so much time is given over to characters with their own films. I was actually getting tired of seeing Iron Man and love what RDJ has done. But he was always there, always. (Except he's so d@man good

Anyway the TV series route was a genius move IMO and also helps settle some irate fans like me and keeps those Disney dollars rolling in.