Avengers: Endgame

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Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

166 million away from Avatar as of yesterday!

Disney is going to have to work some behind the scenes magic to close that gap.

Please beat Avatar at all costs necessary lol

I know there is no other way ..but it looks odd and hilarious when you see actors in costume next to another actor that looks like a Crash Test Dummy :lol

Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Id prefer Bucky, but what can u do?
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Me as well and I will certainly admit that I was not happy opening night when Falcon went up but ever since then I have read enough counter points to convince me that there is enough narrative cause for it to be Falcon as much as Bucky.

It certainly helps that on screen it was properly handled with respect towards Cap and off screen Anthony Mackie has been nothing but humble and classy for that decision being made.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

So I wonder, does SHIELD make the new Spidey suit for FFH or did Tony make it for Peter in the five years thinking he was going to come back
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

I thought it was an odd choice having Sam being given the go ahead from Barnes to talk to Steve. The history and MCU has been heavily weighted on Rogers and Barnes’ friendship and certainly Barnes has the superior abilities and training. I get that Wilson was given the mantle VERY RECENTLY in the comics but it seems a bit PC. Yeah I said it.
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Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

So is falcon going to take the super serum? How else is it going to work?
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

I thought it was an odd choice having Sam being given the go ahead from Barnes to talk to Steve. The history and MCU has been heavily weighted on Rogers and Barnes’ friendship and certainly Barnes has the superior abilities and training. I get that Wilson was given the mantle VERY RECENTLY in the comics but it seems a bit PC. Yeah I said it.

Well yeah of course it was PC hello it’s Hollywood we’re talking about here lol

But there’s poorly handled PC like Brie pre CM release and Holdo not Ackbar getting the proper sacrifice he had earned and then there’s ok PC like Falcon in EG.

There I said it.

So is falcon going to take the super serum? How else is it going to work?

Great point that would solve one of the main sticking points in him being chosen but it also might introduce an interesting narrative element about being given that serum in modern times!
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

EG writers say that their main goal with IW/EG was to provide as close as an experience to what they felt when watching SW and ESB in 77 and 80 for the 8 year olds of today.

SW and ESB?

More ESB and ROTJ in tone and feel. I mean obviously IW has the downer ending and EG has the hero's winning with some casualties along the way and a bit more goofy adventure.

It also reminds me more of ESB to ROTJ in that IW was way better of a movie to me and While EG was perfectly serviceable it was nowhere near as good as its predecessor.. IMO anyways :)
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

I've read that Endgame is being released on video on August 20th!

That is way too fast!

Better save your bucks, supposedly Ironman trilogy and Thor 1 & 2 4K's are coming out at the same time.

I'm assuming you guys already knew this, but just in case you didn't.

Seems bizarrely fast, is everybody lying to me? [emoji38]

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Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Sounds about right. Infinity War released mid August last year.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Falcon and bucky got beat easily by spiderman. Lol same better take the serum.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Anyone watch the "Misogynist MRA incel pencil ****" Larson Brie-free fan cut of the movie?

I fell asleep watching it last night and so far, so good. It's less than 90s minutes long, so they really trimmed a lot of the fat off...(obvious Al Bundy style joke intended.)
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

SW and ESB?

More ESB and ROTJ in tone and feel. I mean obviously IW has the downer ending and EG has the hero's winning with some casualties along the way and a bit more goofy adventure.

It also reminds me more of ESB to ROTJ in that IW was way better of a movie to me and While EG was perfectly serviceable it was nowhere near as good as its predecessor.. IMO anyways :)

Hulk was the ewok :lol
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Anyone watch the "Misogynist MRA incel pencil ****" Larson Brie-free fan cut of the movie?

I fell asleep watching it last night and so far, so good. It's less than 90s minutes long, so they really trimmed a lot of the fat off...(obvious Al Bundy style joke intended.)

Sounds a like a cut a pencildick Fan would do.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

I thought it was an odd choice having Sam being given the go ahead from Barnes to talk to Steve. The history and MCU has been heavily weighted on Rogers and Barnes’ friendship and certainly Barnes has the superior abilities and training. I get that Wilson was given the mantle VERY RECENTLY in the comics but it seems a bit PC. Yeah I said it.

*Shrug* Bucky is my favorite MCU character and I was really looking forward to nods to the more edgier Bucky Cap of the comics. Falcon is another fav. Stellar actors. :clap

I could go either way but personally think recent explanations like "Bucky can still be mind controlled" are BS:pfft:. He's healed enough to be living in a village with old people and little kids around and/or be in battle and not freak out and kill everyone around him at random. Also it would imply the high tech Wakanda doesn't know what the *&^% they are doing.:monkey3

But Marvel rolls over any logic as needed so whatever:chug. Either/or IMO is a good choice. IMO some of the Falcon-Cap fan art is kinda cool, got an almost American eagle vibe. However the actors feel about it, I miss Bucky really tearing it up and enjoy him being feral. He looks COOL:cool:. Which I suspect is one of the reasons things played out the way they did, since one of the writers felt Bucky would be wasted as Cap - and gotta agree tho I wouldn't put it that way. But Bucky Cap wouldn't do what WS/White Wolf would to get a job done. https://screenrant.com/avengers-infinity-war-bucky-captain-america/

And all these actors/actresses in these TV series need way more time than they got, so far. For me it's been maddening and irritating:mad:, especially when so much time is given over to characters with their own films. I was actually getting tired of seeing Iron Man and love what RDJ has done. But he was always there, always. (Except he's so d@man good:lol)

Anyway the TV series route was a genius move IMO and also helps settle some irate fans like me and keeps those Disney dollars rolling in.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Anyone watch the "Misogynist MRA incel pencil ****" Larson Brie-free fan cut of the movie?

I fell asleep watching it last night and so far, so good. It's less than 90s minutes long, so they really trimmed a lot of the fat off...(obvious Al Bundy style joke intended.)

Lol she was barely in the damn movie and she was fine in the role she played. Some people are so annoying
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)


I thought this was alright. Not nearly as good as IW as an overall film. I felt that this film had parts that are greater then the sum.

The opening with Hawkeyes family dying. Nice to see the tone from the ending of IW carrying over. It was also a callback to the opening of IW as dire circumstances were happening. Very cool.

Stark/Iron Man. I liked what they did with his character. I understood his hesitation for not wanting to do the time machine at first. He had a family that he wanted to protect. His arc through to the final battle was well done. "I am Iron Man." and SNAP! A perfect way for him to bow out of the MCU.

Cap in the final battle. Seeing him wield Mjolnir was great. As was seeing everyone come back and fighting the forces of Thanos. Cap saying "Avengers Assemble" was very iconic and awesome.

I was happy to see that Captain Marvel had a fairly minor role. I was surprised she was going to have a larger one, but thankfully she didn't.

The SJW pandering. There were a couple scenes that weren't needed. They didn't serve the narrative in any form.

Bucky got shafted. He should have been given the shield. So much was sacrificed for him by Cap. You look at the results of WS and CW. Cap lost his friendship with Stark over Bucky. Really a big let down.

Professor Hulk. His arc was basically gone here. Sure, he used the gauntlet to snap everyone back which was cool. But, there was no pay off to what happened to Hulk in IW. I'm not even a Hulk fan, but damn. What a wasted opportunity.

Doctor Strange was kinda wasted too, I thought. He played a big role in IW, and I was surprised to see there wasn't more done with Strange during the final battle.

The overall pacing and the narrative. I thought it was all over the place and the time travel nonsense was just too much. Try not to think about it because it won't make sense was what the film essentially said. Lazy writing, IMO.

Hawkeye as Ronin was pointless. Just to show him killing some criminals? That could have been left on the cutting room floor.

I didn't like how Thor was handled. His act got old. Maybe there's plans to further his character. But this didn't work for me here.

As I said, I thought it was alright, at best. Overall, I wouldn't put this in my top 5 MCU films.