Avengers: Endgame

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Also hate that the final is with Alternate timeline Thanos.. It loses some weight that way... The Drama is not as high or as cool.

It means his initial victory stands. They were only able to kill that version of Thanos after the damage was already done. In addition, their plan to undo that damage did not bring back original Loki, Heimdale (sp?), Vision or original Gamora - and it came at the (new) cost of Black Widow and Tony Stark's lives. I think this addresses past complaints that the MCU had no stakes.

Will it cool for Khev? I don't know how it can.. He has seen it so many times, I would think that the rose colored glasses would have faded by now..

Plus with his and Jyes ability to talk themselves into loving a movie for reasons never intended (see TLJ) that this will forever be an all time classic with them..

:lol :lol :lol
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Plus with his and Jyes ability to talk themselves into loving a movie for reasons never intended (see TLJ) that this will forever be an all time classic with them.. .

Few more thoughts post home viewing.

The whole ?America?s Ass? thing really drove home modern Cap looking at 2012 Cap as still a naive person in servitude of a hydra run intelligence agency, truly a donkey still oblivious to the reality and obliging to orders.

When I saw the ant in Dr. Pym?s office I thought the ant was a great representation of us regular humans oblivious and powerless to the larger events at play around us shaping the world like their time travel mission or a government infiltrated by hydra.

I loved how Scott Lang came off pretty selfish in 2012 NY when all he cared about was having enough pym particles to save himself and not agreeing with their mission to 1970 NJ and Cap lecturing him that if need be he will sacrifice himself for the greater mission and by Stark agreeing their unity was complete post civil war and their arcs were set in final motion with both seeing Peggy/Howard on that mission.

The only thing that could kill Thanos were the stones. The only one who could yield the stones without dying was Thanos therefore no matter what the only way to kill Thanos required a suicide mission.

EG....the movie about suicide lol

Case and point :lol
I don?t know man but watching EG at home was nor painful or boring for me it really flowed very smoothly including their time heist missions.

Can you blame me really after 11 years getting to know and love these characters I honestly love IW and EG as much as I do SW/ESB.

You know which movies were big downers for me?

Superman 3
Alien 3
Die Hard 2
Escape from LA
Howling 2
Indy Last Crusade

Now we?re talking about real pain lol

Was there an American Werewolf sequel I don?t remember.

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It means his initial victory stands. They were only able to kill that version of Thanos after the damage was already done. In addition, their plan to undo that damage did not bring back original Loki, Heimdale (sp?), Vision or original Gamora - and it came at the (new) cost of Black Widow and Tony Stark's lives. I think this addresses past complaints that the MCU had no stakes.

Exactly! IW Thanos will always represent a conflict and a villain that they lost to. And as we've said even bringing back the dusted souls wouldn't undo the catastrophic repercussions of that many people disappearing for that length of time.

EG Thanos didnt have the luxury of fighting the Trinity separately and had none of the Stones so I love that they found an excuse to introduce a meaner more a-hole version of himself, effectively a brand new villain altogether, who posed even *more* of a threat who actually doubled (literally) the stakes of the previous version.

Truly ingenious writing as it gives original Thanos lasting victory while also making the heroes even more badass by showing them defeat Thanos at his most deadly and ruthless.
I like endgame a lot and watching it at home just lets me catch more things I missed on first viewing. Cap and Rocket and Stark are my favorites but overall each character had a moment to shine. I am a Hulk fan and can appreciate what was done with the character being Professor Hulk. Not what I imagined but I can see what the Russo's wanted. Even Hulk did make a major contribution by doing the snap to resurrect everyone. Hulk was a toddler throwing the ultimate tantrum in past movies and he matured into an adult to bring everyone back. Really wouldn't have been proper for him to regress back into that. Thor went from being a God to a man facing failure so he became the wildcard who had no purpose to bring everyone back. His journey is still ahead and I think his faith was renewed when Cap picked up the hammer. That was classic Thor reawakening in my eyes. I know not everyone was happy with certain things but I really enjoyed the 10 year journey and am curious of what's next.
Just remember, EG is only one of many possible outcomes. In all the others, someone pussied out or blew it. Must be several where Tony didn't do the snap right... or the glove blew up in his face... or he cried and ran away.

So there's outcomes out there that could come back to haunt us... like the Loki escape.
Just remember, EG is only one of many possible outcomes. In all the others, someone pussied out or blew it. Must be several where Tony didn't do the snap right... or the glove blew up in his face... or he cried and ran away.


I find ROTK to be a better comparison. Nothing in EG remotely approaches the level of halfassedness and toy shelf pandering (to the detriment of the story) as ROTJ.

Yeah the only reason I threw the ESB comparison into the conversation was not for thematic purposes it was just to rub Wor-Gar?s rhubarb that Raiders has no companionship it only knows isolation lol

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Its just a better movie.. Had Endgame been as good as IW I would still be disappointed that Hulk got the shaft but at least the film would be great.. I have more then my share of issues with EG.

That's too bad that EG is what it is for you if for no other reason that now you've got to hold out that Marvel Phase Four (ick) delivers for you.

I can't tell you how liberating it is to have EG end on a home run. So nice to have that finality. Not just for the MCU but I don't know that I see any film matching that experience going forward. SW and EG may very well be the alpha and omega of popcorn entertainment forever more.

Hopefully you get your own EG one day.
Grabbed the blu-ray on the way home from work last night and watched this before hitting the hay. My theater experience was fairly dull. I had to squeeze it in on a Sunday morning at a small place. No IMAX this time around. Watching it on my TV was almost more of a definitive experience, and ultimately...I can say it was a satisfying one. I'm not getting a re-watch vibe like I did with IW, which I've watched roughly 4 times now, but I'm still happy with the movie.
It means his initial victory stands. They were only able to kill that version of Thanos after the damage was already done. In addition, their plan to undo that damage did not bring back original Loki, Heimdale (sp?), Vision or original Gamora - and it came at the (new) cost of Black Widow and Tony Stark's lives. I think this addresses past complaints that the MCU had no stakes.

Exactly! IW Thanos will always represent a conflict and a villain that they lost to. And as we've said even bringing back the dusted souls wouldn't undo the catastrophic repercussions of that many people disappearing for that length of time.

EG Thanos didnt have the luxury of fighting the Trinity separately and had none of the Stones so I love that they found an excuse to introduce a meaner more a-hole version of himself, effectively a brand new villain altogether, who posed even *more* of a threat who actually doubled (literally) the stakes of the previous version.

Truly ingenious writing as it gives original Thanos lasting victory while also making the heroes even more badass by showing them defeat Thanos at his most deadly and ruthless.

Well if the Russo's came up with a better idea then Time travel like THanos sending the stones different parts of the Universe and its a fight to get them all and then Thanos finds out the plan and attempts to stop them... Thanos goes and gets what is left of his army and we get the same ending...

Difference is this Thanos knows the feeling of victory, has fought IM, Spidey, GOTG, Dr. Strange and his daughter, he knows he killed his one daughter and his other daughter wants to kill him... Its the villain we came to know over the course of a two and a half our movie..

Instead we just got another villain.. Not nearly as interesting and lacks much of the emotional weight it could have carried.. His speech about a gift of killing off only half would be much more meaningful coming from the original Thanos rather then from snidely whiplash.

I find ROTK to be a better comparison. Nothing in EG remotely approaches the level of halfassedness and toy shelf pandering (to the detriment of the story) as ROTJ.

Hmmmm I might agree had EG been nearly as epic... Plus ROTK is a million times better then TTT... SO its hard to call EG the ROTK to IW, EST... I would say Jedi is a better comparison for me because the quality of IW is IMO way better then EG.

That's too bad that EG is what it is for you if for no other reason that now you've got to hold out that Marvel Phase Four (ick) delivers for you.

I can't tell you how liberating it is to have EG end on a home run. So nice to have that finality. Not just for the MCU but I don't know that I see any film matching that experience going forward. SW and EG may very well be the alpha and omega of popcorn entertainment forever more.

Hopefully you get your own EG one day.

I think I did with ROTK.. It was perfect at the time.. It hit every beat that I needed it too. I mean it was expected but still it was perfect.. Having said that I don't think ROTK has aged as well.. Its still great but a bit corny and goofy at times.

EG has not and will not ruin all that came before. Its not so bad that I cant watch it..

I still say that obviously had they fumbled Cap in EG the way they did in A1 you would see all the issues to be had in this film.. But they didn't and thus it is a homerun for you and as I stated before.. I don't blame you at all.

Had it just done a bit better with Hulk would I forgive all the other issues.. Maybe.... If the film had like two great Hulk moments at the end of the film and not felt like a true slap in the face to the character and fans.. Then yeah.. I would be much more forgiving I believe..

But it was an insult how he was completely ignored and as others had said.. He no longer is incredible... Even if he was full beast mode.. Nothing incredible about this Hulk at all anymore.

So the insult stings and puts a cloud over the rest of the film for sure.... So the issues that I would typically ignore stick out like a sore thumb..

But it is what it is... Its not like its going to change... And I am happy for those that love the film...

I expect nothing out of phase 4 and really was not excited about any of the announcements at comic con other then some of the TV shows.. Maybe Dr. Strange if it really does tackle the Multiverse.
While TOD is Raiders quality when compared to LC and KOTCS which is not saying much it still failed miserably at being a prequel to Raiders.

To this day it still feels like i?m watching a sequel to Raiders not a prequel.

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I still say that obviously had they fumbled Cap in EG the way they did in A1 you would see all the issues to be had in this film.. But they didn't and thus it is a homerun for you

Ha, you won't dismiss my opinion as being blind fanboyism quite so easily. ;)

Case in point A1 as you mentioned. I had more issues with how Cap was portrayed in that film than just the derpy cowl but I still recognized it as a solid well done film. I didn't use my anger to try and burn down the entire MCU and all of cinema as we know it, lol. :D

The flip side of that coin is AOU. Cap *was* a total badass in that film but that doesn't make it a "homerun." A mixed bag to be sure that justifies it's existence mostly because of how it connects to other films in the Infinity Saga that does at least get extra points for having Cap be cool. And I have no problems acknowledging that.

EG I have no problems with (save a few nitpicks like Rhodey's a-holeness and the girl power charge) and can put it on the same shelf as other genre classics without reservation. If I didn't know better I'd assume that the Hulk stuff so profoundly bummed you out that you'd actually prefer that the rest of EG be subpar in order to more easily dismiss the whole thing, even so much as convincing yourself that that's actually the truth... :monkey3
While TOD is Raiders quality when compared to LC and KOTCS which is not saying much it still failed miserably at being a prequel to Raiders.

To this day it still feels like i?m watching a sequel to Raiders not a prequel.

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If it wasn't for Spielberg's annoying wife, TOD would be my favorite Indy film. She ruined it.