Avengers: Endgame

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Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

But wait.... Civil War did not have any real dramatic impact or real consequences because nobody died and Cap left a note for Tony :lol

Eh... neither of those were why I disliked it. I believe you're thinking of SNIKT who wouldn't settle for anything other than "muh hard R auteur" (or whatever).
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

eh... Neither of those were why i disliked it. I believe you're thinking of snikt who wouldn't settle for anything other than "muh hard r auteur" (or whatever).


Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Well, I'm not saying he should play Superman or a big name character, but a villain or hero that doesn't talk much. He just need to look cool and be powerful.

I am sure there are alot of people that can fill the physical role as he could....

And I be some of them are decent actors.....

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

:lol :lol :lol

Wor-Gar and SNIKT hated Civil War too... why are they not by my side in that case? :tap

Enough of your insolence you have been JUDGED!


Oh and because i’m lazy that’s why lol

:lol :lol jye

Lol at Bruce the shark in Jor-El's robes. :lol

I wonder if Chakor noticed I made him NoN

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Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Chakor banished to the Grace zone where he will be tortured by Gracywise the clown with her saying "Soooooo" non stop. :lol

This is worse than Snikt's punishment to where he is forever fighting black people in the cinema while under threat of being sodomised by Oscorp. :chase
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Chakor banished to the Grace zone where he will be tortured by Gracywise the clown with her saying "Soooooo" non stop. :lol

This is worse than Snikt's punishment to where he is forever fighting black people in the cinema while under threat of being sodomised by Oscorp. :chase

Epic post is epic sorry Chakor lol


Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Oh dam Jye she's calling you out. Are you going to take this? :rotfl

Screenshot_2018-12-29 Grace Randolph ( GraceRandolph) on Twitter.png
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

Chakor hates Civil War therefore I must maintain a healthy and mutually respectful working relationship with Grace :lol
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

I just read that anyone who wants to celebrate New Year's Eve with Tony Stark can start IM3 at exactly 11:55:50 pm to have midnight hit at the exact same time as the movie, lol.

Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Feige said that:

Trailers won’t show anything past the first 20 min of the movie (I don’t believe that).

Title of EG was there before production and that was why the characters specifically said those words.

That while IW had some secrets EG has many many many.....many secrets.

Can you imagine the audience reactions if FF, Wolverine or Professor X show up in cameo stingers :thud:

That would solidify that entire 11 years into one grand moment of success.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Feige said that:

Trailers won’t show anything past the first 20 min of the movie (I don’t believe that).

Title of EG was there before production and that was why the characters specifically said those words.

That while IW had some secrets EG has many many many.....many secrets.

Can you imagine the audience reactions if FF, Wolverine or Professor X show up in cameo stingers :thud:

That would solidify that entire 11 years into one grand moment of success.

Dude I just said in the spidey PS4 thread they are hiding something huge look at the signs here.

Fox deal closes this month

FF comic relaunch

FF in recent mobile games

X-men merch now being seen in stores and apearing in mobile games .

FF coming to the Spider-Man PS4 game

This isn’t like they were doing 4 yrs ago when they tried to bury these characters. Now it seems like they are hyping them up.

I’m sorry but I’ll be surprised if we don’t see atleast one ff or xmen nod in this movie. The secrecy is just way to tight. Infinity war had a comic con appearance this didn’t. And the way that trailer is shot.

We’ll see in a few months

Also let’s given to account about who bought the tower in Spider-Man homecoming. Only two people would buy that tower. Osborn or the FF. I don’t mind which tbh
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

I wouldn't expect too much just yet. Marvel studios is expected to get the rights to X-Men and F4 back within the next six months. They might have more creative freedom to show the characters in Spiderman PS4 now (assuming it's not just a special costume) but idk.

We'll probably get a small tease in EG but I doubt they have a full set of actors that have been cast and all ready to go just like that.

Y'all gonna be let down just like that Hugh Jackman announcement that turned out to be nothing. Jye was gushing like a schoolgirl at the thought of seeing Jackman on screen with RDJ, only to be brought down to reality. :chase
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Realiy is Caped is right :monkey2

Bastard lol

So what could be the many many many....many secrets then.

BW is pregnant by Ebony Maw?