No, logan is an experiment in a franchise of 7 movies, Logan was the end of a character. A good bye piece. A send off.
And as violent as logan was it STILL followed the same formulaic and by the numbers "safe" plot structure as the other movies.
There is nothing in logans structure that is bold or risky. Nothing.
Take out the gore and take out the nudity and it is a regular action movie. Bad guy wants kid, good guy protects kid, bad guy follows them on the road, good guy tries to hide, etc etc etc
What part of that is "risky" or "bold" story telling wise? The kid killing people?
And guess what kick ass ALREADY had that so even the novelty of the kid killing people is not even there.
As good as logan was, its structure was kinda cliche. What was good about it was the acting and simplicity.
You cant expect EVERY movie to be like logan. If what you consider to be risky and bold is gore and blood and voilence then please stick to horror movies. Stick to Blumhouse Auteur movies.
You dont even know what you want.