Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Seems like PR deflection more than anything, I wouldn't put stock in that, if he gets all the stones in IW, they're not going to spoil that.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Yes agreed but in context of the films it's very meh. We have this sick stairwell fight scene in civil war almost like it was ripped from a Bourne movie. And then we have this rediculous superhero fight in an airport that can be copy and pasted into any movie, move a few lines of dialogue around and whatever you could take it out and the movie might actually be better. ( yes it's a good set piece action scene ) but whatever you can YouTube it and get the same experience. The same emotional experience , the same organic flow of the plot of that action scene. You can understand the whole thing in as a freaking YouTube clip. I mean it almost messes up The Whole movie ! We have antman and spiderman both being added out of NOWHERE absolutely NOWHERE. They make no sense , and it makes NO SENSE tony would have spidey on his side. It's just odd, and then to have people say it's "arguably the best superhero movie ever ". Again I'm just talking my opinion

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Thanks for that....just like I enjoy Deadpool but I dunno - about the last 1/3 of the movie it just loses a lot of steam for me - haven't thought about it enough to ID why.:dunno

Don't agree about CW at all:cool: Or the airport fight. Heck, it was a great moment when my brother - who went into CW unspoiled and is a huge comic fan - just lost it when giant Antman appeared.:rock IMO the Russos get it right.

So yeah, arguably the best superhero movie ever. Arguably. You say there are things in CW that make no sense; I say the Russo's editing and narrative flow is stellar - that they know when to give a scene some time (like the BP/Zemo scene) and they know when to move it along.

???? So these last few pages of posts are basically sayin' not everyone likes the same things or sees things the same way, or agrees on what = good? All I know is, am so happy that Josh Whedon didn't end up directing IW.

Whedon gets bashed a lot - by me too 'coz I loathe the Ultron farmhouse scene and also know Marvel wanted it cut but indulged him which sez something - but the guy can tell a cohesive story. Surprised he was even considered for IW tho. For me tho IW 1 & 2 are in the hands of the best of MCU's directors (and the MCU has other excellent directors; it's one of the things Feige has done right).
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Now that Star Trek is going with an R rating with Tarantino directing it looks like Snikt might be right afterall lol
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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I imagine a lot of talking and swearing before anything happens. Although maybe there will be a graphic sex scene with Kirk and an alien. I like Tarantino but I wonder what a Star Trek movie will be like with him directing.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Based on the first 30 seconds of this interview, they revealed we wont get Soul Stone in IW.

In a perfect world, the MCU's Adam would be part of this fight and wield the Soul Gem against Thanos.

I still don't understand how they ****ed that up and we're not getting Adam until after IG.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)


Thanks for that....just like I enjoy Deadpool but I dunno - about the last 1/3 of the movie it just loses a lot of steam for me - haven't thought about it enough to ID why.:dunno

Don't agree about CW at all:cool: Or the airport fight. Heck, it was a great moment when my brother - who went into CW unspoiled and is a huge comic fan - just lost it when giant Antman appeared.:rock IMO the Russos get it right.

So yeah, arguably the best superhero movie ever. Arguably. You say there are things in CW that make no sense; I say the Russo's editing and narrative flow is stellar - that they know when to give a scene some time (like the BP/Zemo scene) and they know when to move it along.

???? So these last few pages of posts are basically sayin' not everyone likes the same things or sees things the same way, or agrees on what = good? All I know is, am so happy that Josh Whedon didn't end up directing IW.

Whedon gets bashed a lot - by me too 'coz I loathe the Ultron farmhouse scene and also know Marvel wanted it cut but indulged him which sez something - but the guy can tell a cohesive story. Surprised he was even considered for IW tho. For me tho IW 1 & 2 are in the hands of the best of MCU's directors (and the MCU has other excellent directors; it's one of the things Feige has done right).

Right ! But this goes against the idea of thinking every property should be bought by Disney and put in he mcu. Because everybody likes something different. Which is what I think a lot of the mcu "haters" are trying to argue.

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

In a perfect world, the MCU's Adam would be part of this fight and wield the Soul Gem against Thanos.

I still don't understand how they ****ed that up and we're not getting Adam until after IG.

20+ movies in and ya just got to accept it, man. This is an alternate canon just like the Ultimate universe is different from 616 etc.

Stark created Ultron. Not Pym.

Crossbones didn't Snipe Captain America.

Aunt May is hot.

Roll with it :lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Now that Star Trek is going with an R rating with Tarantino directing it looks like Snikt might be right afterall lol

Dude, I'm telling you we're living in a society with bad memory. "Safe" movies didn't exist 20 years ago. Directors weren't trying to keep things light and fun [and safe] for children. They were doing the opposite. None of the greatest movies of all time suffer from today's safe approach to filmmaking.

The 'R' rating is the door to the days of Robocop, Die Hard & T2: Judgment Day. Action movies that had teeth.

I'll keep saying it. MCU lovers are mostly young people who don't remember how great and BOLD movies used to be. They, unfortunately, grew up with today's corporately-financed Studio system which doesn't care about making good movies but rather good products.

The MCU is the dream child of the corporate machine. Mediocre content that grosses Billions because the demographic isn't aware of just mediocre it is.

I grew up loving robocop, terminator and diehard. Still my favs. In my world. I can still enjoy the mcu.

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

20+ movies in and ya just got to accept it, man. This is an alternate canon just like the Ultimate universe is different from 616 etc.

Stark created Ultron. Not Pym.

Crossbones didn't Snipe Captain America.

Aunt May is hot.

Roll with it :lol

:lol :lol :lol

Funny but also accurate.

Dude, I'm telling you we're living in a society with bad memory. "Safe" movies didn't exist 20 years ago. Directors weren't trying to keep things light and fun [and safe] for children. They were doing the opposite. None of the greatest movies of all time suffer from today's safe approach to filmmaking.

The 'R' rating is the door to the days of Robocop, Die Hard & T2: Judgment Day. Action movies that had teeth.

I'll keep saying it. MCU lovers are mostly young people who don't remember how great and BOLD movies used to be. They, unfortunately, grew up with today's corporately-financed Studio system which doesn't care about making good movies but rather good products.

The MCU is the dream child of the corporate machine. Mediocre content that grosses Billions because the demographic isn't aware of just mediocre it is.

While there is truth in that post of yours alot of people are ok with the safe tone because I don’t think people necessarily want a Robocop 1 satirical superhero movie for their children. :lol

Avengers does not have to be like those movies you mentioned for it to stlll be good.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I don’t think people necessarily want a Robocop 1 satirical superhero movie for their children.

That's part of the problem: helicopter moms and over-catering parents. We've got a generation of young adults that are still being "protected" by mommy and daddy. It's insane. What we understood as "adulthood" has moved into the 30's for this generation, and even that age now seems to be mentally 'young adulthood'.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

There are countries in 2017, not 150 BC or 300 AD, but 2017 where kids by the age of 9 have already fought in a war and killed other people like shot them in the face or stabbed a pregnant mom in her stomach.

I bet exposing them to Robocop 1 at an early age is probably not a big deal in those countries and they probably wouldn’t even be impressed by the violence. :lol
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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

That's part of the problem: helicopter moms and over-catering parents. We've got a generation of young adults that are still being "protected" by mommy and daddy. It's insane. What we understood as "adulthood" has moved into the 30's for this generation, and even that age now seems to be mentally 'young adulthood'.

Yet the same parents will let their kids surf the internet for porn and snuff movies at age 10.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I fairly certain - by society's standards - we all are :lol

I’m actually heading to my mom’s house right now I can’t wait for the question she always asks my wife “Umm is he still buying toys and umm watching superhero movies?” :lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I’m actually heading to my mom’s house right now I can’t wait for the question she always asks my wife “Umm is he still buying toys and umm watching superhero movies?” :lol

Does your wife roll her eyes and say "yes" in that disgusted tone... or does she hug you with a big smile and say "yes" proudly, privately squeezing your crotch to hint at the good things to come later tonight?
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I’m actually heading to my mom’s house right now I can’t wait for the question she always asks my wife “Umm is he still buying toys and umm watching superhero movies?” :lol

My Mother in law is like that. She laughs through her pearl white veneers as if she were the joker :lol

Father in law is cool though. He's a DC/Star Wars nerd so we bond :yess: