Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Then death lol

At least he went out Xenomorph style.

Man Wor is going to love him even more now lol

Thanks I worked hard on that review lol

Oh man
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my man didn’t even feel threatened by Thanos!

I can't believe that after six years of buildup they delivered the goods with Thanos. At one point during the battle on Titan I literally thought he was going to pull the moon out of the sky just to crush Stark with it, lol. I think that that last shot of
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will resonate for a very long time.

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

I can't believe that after six years of buildup they delivered the goods with Thanos. At one point during the battle on Titan I literally thought he was going to pull the moon out of the sky just to crush Stark with it, lol. I think that that last shot of
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will resonate for a very long time.

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Yeah and it was also cool they used a real location for his end shot.

I think Stark did get hit by a huge flaming piece of that moon payback for dropping one on Thanos’s head lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Just got back from my second and last theater viewing. Sold out show, nobody applauded, and the total stranger next to me goes "Well that sucked". What actually sucked no idea. I had to explain to the people next to me who Captain Marvel was.

Sure a lot of people like this but the Wakanda battle was IMO a missed, rushed through opportunity and waste of some of the MCU's best fighters. Along with the other issues. Still can't get over IW being GOGTG 2.5 etc. Or Spidey 1.5. For sure Thanos didn't register with me. Or he did but there was so much talk, predictable stuff, and ponderousness I lost interest.

6-6.5/10 for me. Now I know what the people who were disappointed in TLJ felt like. Still don't know what that bit with the kid Gamora was supposed to be at the end just more weirdness taking up screen time.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

The song used at the end when thanos smiles at the sunset is amazing. Is the soundtrack out?
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)


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That’s just crazy. I know most of them are probably coming back, but the more I dwell on it, the more I feel like they might shock us in A4.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

I can't believe that after six years of buildup they delivered the goods with Thanos. At one point during the battle on Titan I literally thought he was going to pull the moon out of the sky just to crush Stark with it, lol. I think that that last shot of
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will resonate for a very long time.

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I honestly don't see him as a true villain. According to him, he's the only one who truly understands what it takes to save the universe, and he's the only one who is willing to do what's necessary for the greater good. Even he sacrificed something for half of the universe to live in peace. He almost lost his life in the process too.

Even the way he ended half of life was done quick, with no intention to cause suffering or pain, which he could have done if he was truly evil. People might value their love ones over the well being of the universe itself, which is the human thing to do, but Thanos looks beyond his own life, relationships, and did what was necessary to ensure the universe doesn't collapse like his home world. He's the first "villain" I've seen that comes across as truly logical and admirable.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

I honestly don't see him as a true villain. According to him, he's the only one who truly understands what it takes to save the universe, and he's the only one who is willing to do what's necessary for the greater good. Even he sacrificed something for half of the universe to live in peace. He almost lost his life in the process too.

Even the way he ended half of life was done quick, with no intention to cause suffering or pain, which he could have done if he was truly evil. People might value their loves one over the well being of the universe itself, which is the human thing to do, but Thanos looks beyond his own life, relationships, and did what was necessary to ensure the universe doesn't collapse like his home world. He's the first "villain" I've seen that comes across as truly logical and admirable.

He's every bit a "math" guy as Dr. Strange claimed to be. Everyone sees him as murdering 50% of all life but he sees himself as saving the other 50% instead of letting them all die. Fascinating.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Just got back from my second and last theater viewing. Sold out show, nobody applauded, and the total stranger next to me goes "Well that sucked". What actually sucked no idea. I had to explain to the people next to me who Captain Marvel was.

Sure a lot of people like this but the Wakanda battle was IMO a missed, rushed through opportunity and waste of some of the MCU's best fighters. Along with the other issues. Still can't get over IW being GOGTG 2.5 etc. Or Spidey 1.5. For sure Thanos didn't register with me. Or he did but there was so much talk, predictable stuff, and ponderousness I lost interest.

6-6.5/10 for me. Now I know what the people who were disappointed in TLJ felt like. Still don't know what that bit with the kid Gamora was supposed to be at the end just more weirdness taking up screen time.

Sorry you feel that way it really sucks when a fellow fan gets let down.

I was like that with Justice League, Black Panther, Ready Player One and A Quiet Place none of those resonated with me.

TLJ and Thor 3 are the only 2 movies I liked, not loved mind you, but liked in the last 7 months!

IW while also “temporarily” flawed was also rather thrilling for me.

Temporarily because like JAWS said ALOT is riding on IW2!
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

My own humble thoughts....

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

I honestly don't see him as a true villain. According to him, he's the only one who truly understands what it takes to save the universe, and he's the only one who is willing to do what's necessary for the greater good. Even he sacrificed something for half of the universe to live in peace. He almost lost his life in the process too.

Even the way he ended half of life was done quick, with no intention to cause suffering or pain, which he could have done if he was truly evil. People might value their love ones over the well being of the universe itself, which is the human thing to do, but Thanos looks beyond his own life, relationships, and did what was necessary to ensure the universe doesn't collapse like his home world. He's the first "villain" I've seen that comes across as truly logical and admirable.

He's every bit a "math" guy as Dr. Strange claimed to be. Everyone sees him as murdering 50% of all life but he sees himself as saving the other 50% instead of letting them all die. Fascinating.

Perfect from both of you which is rather rare for Clown I might add lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

and my favorite stuff...

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

He's every bit a "math" guy as Dr. Strange claimed to be. Everyone sees him as murdering 50% of all life but he sees himself as saving the other 50% instead of letting them all die. Fascinating.

Pretty much. Which side do you take, slow eventual death and suffering, or quick death to maintain the balance and peace?
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

It was refreshing to have a comic villain not motivated by money, power, or simply trying to destroy the world just because it's what maniac antagonists do.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

So i’m assuming they’re saving showing Xandar’s destruction for either CM or A4?

Oh why wasn’t Starlords half ancient Celestial bloodline touched upon on his fight with Thanos?
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

So i’m assuming they’re saving showing Xandar’s destruction for either CM or A4?

Showing that could make Thanos look more like a villain, depending on how it all went down. My guess, he and the black order shows up with his army, he asks for the stone, and prefers not to destroy Xandar, but they do not take his offer.

I would rather see a flashback of Thanos as a kid in Titan. It would be a hell of a twist if it turns out that he destroyed his planet and he lied in IW. After all, he is the only one in Titan that look the way he does and his own mother tried to murder him as a baby because of his deformity.