Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Just got back from my second and last theater viewing. Sold out show, nobody applauded, and the total stranger next to me goes "Well that sucked". What actually sucked no idea. I had to explain to the people next to me who Captain Marvel was.

This kind of amazes me. Marvel has already been promoting Captain Marvel here and there. Those that don't know the character must be the extreme of casual viewers who most likely haven't been part of the 10 year journey nor look forward to what comes next. But then again I still can't believe that every time Iv'e been at a MCU movie theater viewing that so many people get up and leave when the credits start. How big of a fan can they be if they don't realize there are the during/after credit scenes..

6-6.5/10 for me. Now I know what the people who were disappointed in TLJ felt like. Still don't know what that bit with the kid Gamora was supposed to be at the end just more weirdness taking up screen time.

Yeah, I feel your pain since I did not like TLJ at all...

I'm very surprised many people didn't pick up on the kid Gamora scene's reference. I thought it was very poetic and honored the Thanos we know from the comics. I've said it in a few previous posts as well. Either my take is valid, or I am totally wrong :lol The way I see it ....

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Their review is hilarious stuff which should come as no surprise.

WB must have a franchise killing glove lol

Well, Darkseid does have a gold killing glove. :lol

I wouldn't be suprised if his middle name was Thanos.

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

If they reverse some or all the deaths, but in exchange they "kill" Cap and Iron Man for a significant amount of time, I think those deaths will not only be more meaningful, but people will not feel cheated by Marvel bringing back to life the IW casualties. Hopefully, if Cap and IM die, it will be a temporary death that leaves the door open for them to return in 5 or 10 years, kind of like Red Skull.


Hopefully you’re right.

This kind of amazes me. Marvel has already been promoting Captain Marvel here and there. Those that don't know the character must be the extreme of casual viewers who most likely haven't been part of the 10 year journey nor look forward to what comes next. But then again I still can't believe that every time I'm Iv'e been at a MCU movie that so many people get up and leave when the credits start. How big of a fan can they be if they don't realize there are the during/after credit scenes..

Yeah, I feel your pain since I did not like TLJ at all...

I'm very surprised many people didn't pick up on the kid Gamora scene's reference. I thought it was very poetic and honored the Thanos we know from the comics. I've said it in a few previous posts as well. Either my take is valid, or I am totally wrong :lol The way I see it ....

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Yup but I would take it one step further and say that both kid Gamora and Red Skull represented death in both an emotional aspect and a physical manifestation.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

In fairness, it is totally appropriate to the comic that it all gets reversed. If the power of a god is out there, then it's not a big stretch anyway. Hell, we saw one death reversed in this movie!

I don't read comics so I don't have any expectations derived from them that others might. I just feel that it's pointless and dishonest to the audience if you can kill characters in what is supposed to be a shocking, consequential scene only to bring them back with some flimsy manufactured loophole.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)


Hopefully you’re right.

Yup but I would take it one step further and say that both kid Gamora and Red Skull represented death in both an emotional aspect and a physical manifestation.

Yeah, Red Skull was a little more confusing. I believe he was meant to be seen more like a tormented/tortured Soul and apparition created by Mistress Death as punishment for his failure to do what Thanos succeeded in. As he said, he failed in his attempt to gather the stones.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

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Kewl. Any idea where he went at the end of the film?
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

I don't read comics so I don't have any expectations derived from them that others might. I just feel that it's pointless and dishonest to the audience if you can kill characters in what is supposed to be a shocking, consequential scene only to bring them back with some flimsy manufacturered loophole.

How can it be a flimsy manufactured loophole if the viewers were already introduced to time reversal in Doctor Strange when he used the Eye of Agamotto (the Time Stone) to repair the damage and deaths of Wong, and again at the end against Dormammu. Then again in IW when Thanos reverses time to acquire the Mind Stone from Vision. It's already established and shown in those instances that time can be manipulated by those who are powerful enough to control and wield the Time Stone. And in what way does that diminish their deaths? They still died in emotional and heartfelt scenes. Restoring them to life should bring just as much emotional joy as it did sorrow with their deaths. How is that pointless and dishonest when they did in fact die and we've already been introduced to the possibility of manipulating time?

As a comparison I'll use the LOTR. It's like complaining that somehow Gandalf's death cheated the audience in Fellowhip when he later returns as Gandalf The White in Two Towers. It's in the original story. Did that make the scene of his death any less emotional for those that knew it was coming as those that didn't. Or did it lesson his death upon his return, or make you feel joy to see him alive again?

Unlike Johnson & Kennedy with Star Wars who flat out said they aren't making the movies for the fans, Marvel & Feige do want to make these movies for the fans. Honoring their characters long history and stories by rewarding those that have been loyal for many decades. How do you get upset if the movies follow the narrative upon which they are based on?
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

I just got back at home, letting it all sink in. I really liked this one!
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

How can it be a flimsy manufactured loophole if the viewers were already introduced to time reversal in Doctor Strange when he used the Eye of Agamotto (the Time Stone) to repair the damage and deaths of Wong, and again at the end against Dormammu. Then again in IW when Thanos reverses time to acquire the Mind Stone from Vision. It's already established and shown in those instances that time can be manipulated by those who are powerful enough to control and wield the Time Stone. And in what way does that diminish their deaths? They still died in emotional and heartfelt scenes. Restoring them to life should bring just as much emotional joy as it did sorrow with their deaths. How is that pointless and dishonest when they did in fact die and we've already been introduced to the possibility of manipulating time?

As a comparison I'll use the LOTR. It's like complaining that somehow Gandalf's death cheated the audience in Fellowhip when he later returns as Gandalf The White in Two Towers. It's in the original story. Did that make the scene of his death any less emotional for those that knew it was coming as those that didn't. Or did it lesson his death upon his return, or make you feel joy to see him alive again?

Unlike Johnson & Kennedy with Star Wars who flat out said they aren't making the movies for the fans, Marvel & Feige do want to make these movies for the fans. Honoring their characters long history and stories by rewarding those that have been loyal for many decades. How do you get upset if the movies follow the narrative upon which they are based on?

Time manipulation is pretty dicey. Especially considering how busy the MCU is. It gives a convenient excuse to change the result of anything. How far back can you go? What exactly can be changed? How deep are the consequences if something is changed? The list goes on....

I won't even get into plot holes of LOTR....

I did like Infinity War, I just hope part one isn't ruined by part two.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Time manipulation is pretty dicey. Especially considering how busy the MCU is. It gives a convenient excuse to change the result of anything. How far back can you go? What exactly can be changed? How deep are the consequences if something is changed? The list goes on....

I won't even get into plot holes of LOTR....

I did like Infinity War, I just hope part one isn't ruined by part two.

I agree in that I hate when time travel is introduced into any story. It messes more **** up than it fixes.

But the Time Stone is very different. It can manipulate and change specific events while not altering all of time. Remember, the other Avengers watched as Thanos used the Time Stone to alter Vision's death. No one else was effected. It's more like a time bubble than completely changing/reversing time.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Wow someone on another forum mentioned how a totally unhyped character like Proxima Midnight just showed up and totally blew away Captain Phasma with regard to screen presence and cool factor. Even as a SW ST fan I must say I totally agree.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

Wow someone on another forum mentioned how a totally unhyped character like Proxima Midnight just showed up and totally blew away Captain Phasma with regard to screen presence and cool factor. Even as a SW ST fan I must say I totally agree.

Meh, they're both cannon fodder, but at least Proxima wasn't marketed as the next big character.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (April 27, 2018)

I can't see the original post nearby to quote. But I don't think Gamora smiles when thanos says he accomplishes his goal. She smiles after he answered her question, what did it cost, and he says everything. I don't see her anything like death in the comic, apart from his love for her. I saw that scene as his own conscience eating at him. Skull told him of his cost to taking the soul stone. And that's it. Existential torment.

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