Re: Avengers: Infinity war - (warning: Spoilers)
Have to say Infinity War was pretty good. Enjoyed it quite a bit.
Went into it without reading any spoilers. I can't imagine wanting to have a movie spoiled like that. Especially one that is supposed to hold some gravity. Didn't even read the comics for it back in they day, though I had Infinity Gauntlet #1.
Marvel actually delivered a villain for one. A pretty good one. I still prefer my bad guys to be bad because they are evil. Thanos is just doing what he believes is the right thing.
Loved the opening with Hulk got his ass KICKED.
Liked Cap getting knocked out too.
Loved Thor riding the lightning.
Most of the Titan were nice except the wimps that couldn't even handle Black Widow.
The guardians were actually tolerable in this.
Strange was better in this than his own meh movie.
Thanos looked pretty good.
At the end I was all Spidey, noooooo. I actually felt for him.
A third MCU movie worth purchasing.
Hope it makes more that Force Awakens, because I can't stand Star Wars anymore.

Funny, they showed the Solo trailer before this and a chick behind me says "he doesn't look anything like Han Solo."