Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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What I like is that even though the deaths didn’t affect me because they weren’t permanent i’m still excited to see how it all plays out with their grand return.

Passing of information thru time travel will obviously be part of the plot.

I bet it’s tied into the IM1 post credits scene “Mr. Stark you think you’re the only superhero in the world”

Take it right back to where it started!
What I like is that even though the deaths didn’t affect me because they weren’t permanent i’m still excited to see how it all plays out with their grand return.

Passing of information thru time travel will obviously be part of the plot.

I bet it’s tied into the IM1 post credits scene “Mr. Stark you think you’re the only superhero in the world”

Take it right back to where it started!

Dude if they go full BTTF2 and revisit tons of past films I'm going to **** myself with my mouth wide open. :thud:
So if Nick Fury knew about Capt Marvel and a had a way to contact her, why not call her when Loki invaded earth or when Ultron shows up? If she is so powerful, why not call her?
Who is she? Her butt did a little jiggle after the slap. :monkey3

If it was a male who did that, there'd be armed police, helicopters, tanks, snipers on rooftop. :lol

Aubrey Plaza

she does a lot of freaky roles

Grace is annoying. Not sure how she became a 'thing'.

she used to get posted the same exact way as all the other youtube guys doing reviews. her vids would get randomly posted because she had some good info (Because SHE DID)
then little Chakor bates got literally nauseous and sick just by seeing her Face and turned the entire forum against her.
if he didnt make such a huge deal about her and how disgusted and physically sick he got from her face, she would have never become a "thing"

she still makes good points, she still has an insider view into the business.
some of my best posts were writing what she has said in her vids. Ive gotten Rep over her ideas. Her ideas are liked by people in here, its just that her face triggers chakor's gag reflex
So if Nick Fury knew about Capt Marvel and a had a way to contact her, why not call her when Loki invaded earth or when Ultron shows up? If she is so powerful, why not call her?

Great question which is why they will have her not be available for that.

Maybe she tells him to keep her away as in a self imposed exhile for whatever dangerous reasons.

Maybe she’s a beacon for Galactus lol

Who knows right maybe she went off to help another planet.
No. Freaking. Way. :thud:

Holy crap I can't even if that turns out to be true, lol.

Well the set pics that have been shown show them back in NY at the time of the Battle of NY. So somehow they travel back in time.
Maybe she tells him to keep her away as in a self imposed exhile...

Her last name must be Skywalker.

But Stark looks older in some photos as well.

Crazy stuff

Yeah, but Thor has long hair and Loki is there, and Cap is wearing his Avengers 1 outfit. Maybe Tony is the time traveler? Which could be a reason why he gets the gauntlet and why his left arm has always been hurting.
I was thinking possibly heart too.

Debunked how?

I think it’s all too much of a coincidence...Also with Thanos and Anthony sharing the same letters, save the S, with refers to the mindstone. The mindstone was not effective against Tony because of the new element he created (which could very well substitute for the mindstone), which is encased in his reactor, the prongs of which form a...Y

You are seriously trying to find connections. :wink1: So many odd theories out there.

Not trying to reign in on your fun or parade here, but keep in my mind when all this stuff was created and played out in the comics in the 80's, Iron Man (Tony Stark) had pretty much nothing to do with the Infinity Gauntlet story line. He was just one of the many Marvel Heroes in the background joining the fight against Thanos to save the Universe. The major players were the Silver Surfer & Adam Warlock. On Thanos side we had Mephisto trying to be his adviser, of course the entity of Death herself as his motivation, and his daughter Nebula & brother Starfox (who even was the narrator) who he was happily torturing. Even Gamora had little to do with the story or it's outcome. Your trying to make connections that never existed when all this stuff was created over 30 years ago. If it plays out, great for you but the dots your trying to connect seem to be much more just odd/random coincidences than story plot.

Not sure if you've ever read the story, but reading it would help in coming up with more plausible theories to what may happen in A4.

But, have fun.... :duff
What I like is that even though the deaths didn’t affect me because they weren’t permanent i’m still excited to see how it all plays out with their grand return.

I'm looking forward to Gamora's return... and Star-Lord's reaction when he sees her. I like their little love story.
You are seriously trying to find connections. :wink1: So many odd theories out there.

Not trying to reign in on your fun or parade here, but keep in my mind when all this stuff was created and played out in the comics in the 80's, Iron Man (Tony Stark) had pretty much nothing to do with the Infinity Gauntlet story line. He was just one of the many Marvel Heroes in the background joining the fight against Thanos to save the Universe. The major players were the Silver Surfer & Adam Warlock. On Thanos side we had Mephisto trying to be his adviser, of course the entity of Death herself as his motivation, and his daughter Nebula & brother Starfox (who even was the narrator) who he was happily torturing. Even Gamora had little to do with the story or it's outcome. Your trying to make connections that never existed when all this stuff was created over 30 years ago. If it plays out, great for you but the dots your trying to connect seem to be much more just odd/random coincidences than story plot.

Not sure if you've ever read the story, but reading it would help in coming up with more plausible theories to what may happen in A4.

But, have fun.... :duff

Yeah, he actually gets his head ripped right off by the female Thanos that the gauntlet had created!
Most of it isn’t my theory and I don’t think it’s far fetched. Tony already created an element very similar to one of the infinity stones. It seems likely important to this story, which doesnt have to fit with comics written 30 years ago.