Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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The fact that they made sense to himself and to his followers are the reason stuff happened?

Yes true but i’m referring to the allied forces did they care or worry about his logic that maybe he had a point or maybe they just weren’t understanding him?

Of course not. The threat is recognized and you act.

I don’t care about or need to figure out the exact logic why Thanos is doing what he’s doing it’s all irrelevant it’s clearly evident what needs to be done and that is to stop him.

Thanos/Hitler didn’t need to MAKE SENSE TO ME how’s that.

I don’t need for him to be logical and precise and super smart.

All I need is to put a bullet in his head.
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But it is merciful to HIM, that's the point, that's why he's a villain.

You really think that *based on all of Thanos' actions on screen* that if when him and Gamora were alone she whipped out some schematics and said "you know dad looking at these calculations if you use the gauntlet to double resources, create a million new planets for people to spread out and move to, etc., it would actually be mathematically more merciful than what you're proposing" that he'd go "good call daughter thanks for doing the heavy lifting and pointing that out that's what I'll make the finger snap do now."

Come ON, lol. Your brainy street cred is crumbling with each new post. ;)
Someone just said to me that Doctor Strange created an alternate reality when Thanos arrived on Titan and facilitated a fantasy for him to witness all the while thinking he obtained all the stones but in reality did not.

It could be one possibility but I’m not sure I buy it.
Yes true but i’m referring to the allied forces did they care or worry about his logic that maybe he had a point or maybe they just weren’t understanding him?

Of course not. The threat is recognized and you act.
Well, yeah, but, what does that have to do with anything? We're discussing Thanos' motives not whether the Avengers acted or not.

I don’t care about or need to figure out the exact logic why Thanos is doing what he’s doing it’s all irrelevant it’s clearly evident what needs to be done and that is to stop him.
Well, yeah I guess.

I mean, it's not like it's part of the story.

Then, what exactly makes Thanos any different than any single other mediocre Villain in the franchise.

What makes Thanos different to Steppenwolf other than having a better face?

You really think that *based on all of Thanos' actions on screen* that if when him and Gamora were alone she whipped out some schematics and said "you know dad looking at these calculations if you use the gauntlet to double resources, create a million new planets for people to spread out and move to, etc., it would actually be mathematically more merciful than what you're proposing" that he'd go "good call daughter thanks for doing the heavy lifting and pointing that out that's what I'll make the finger snap do now."
If Thanos was consistent here, which he isn't, and double the resources was a consequence-free option (Which I'm assuming it isn't), then yes.

There's a reason Thanos kills people in the comics, that reason isn't present here.

Come ON, lol. Your brainy street cred is crumbling with each new post. ;)
Mine? Mine? :lol

Okay I give :lol

No wonder why you guys don't want this stuff discussed.
Had they done a Thanos movie instead and not waste time with other stuff I think it could've been a little better.

This actually Thanos' movie disguised as an Avenger film. He even wins because one of the "villains" (Thor) talked too much (he deliberately did not go for the head to gloat to Thanos).
Wow. Gaspar. Just wow. If you really need an answer then you've officially become that which you most hate. ;)
But Jye is saying that he doesn't need good writing for Thanos, that he doesn't care.

Then what makes him so great?

Khev, Jye, are you two guys alright?
did allied forces care or worry about his logic that maybe he had a point or maybe they just weren’t understanding him?
Allies didn't even care for the fact that if it wasn't for USSR' counter-attack Nazis would win the war. :lol
This actually Thanos' movie disguised as an Avenger film. He even wins because one of the "villains" (Thor) talked too much (he deliberately did not go for the head to gloat to Thanos).
Yeah I agree.

But a little more fat trimming in favor of Thanos screen time would've been a bit better imo.
If marvel really wanted to make thanos a hero

He would only killed the males of the universe. Specially the white ones.

If they did that you would have social justice warriors defending and rooting for thanos the way blm was rooting and praising killmonger

Killmonger basically was like earth's thanos with the same kind of plan

Yet killmonger was seen as the hero by so many because his target was whitey
Thanos in his mind isn't murdering anyone or punishing anyone, he is saving the universe from the mistakes his planet made. On Titan as they were running out of resources, his idea was to wipe out 1/2 the population as a sacrifice to save the planet and his people. The Titans thought he was a madman, disagreed, and banished him off the planet.

Titan then dies he thinks he was right. If he wasn't banished he would have died too. So he then takes it upon himself to save all the other worlds in the universe from the same fate that he will get all the stones, wipe out 1/2 the populations so the other worlds won't suffer the same fate as Titan and he would be considered "The Savior" and everyone would love him for it.

He wasn't punishing people in his mind, he was saving them.
But Jye is saying that he doesn't need good writing for Thanos, that he doesn't care.

Then what makes him so great?

Khev, Jye, are you two guys alright?

Nooo i’m saying Thanos’s plan didn’t have to be logical regardless how many scenarios he studied for me as an audience member to consider him a good cinematic villain which is the whole purpose of making a movie entertaining to watch heroes take on a credible villain.

His motivations and solutions are not all that matters the stones being used against superheroes was also a critical part in making the movie entertaining.

You know entertaining as in not getting paralyzed by a self imposed intelligence level that no one can penetrate so why bother in the first place going to the movies lol
Nooo i’m saying Thanos’s plan didn’t have to be logical regardless how many scenarios he studied for me as an audience member to consider him a good cinematic villain which is the whole purpose of making a movie entertaining to watch heroes take on a credible villain.

His motivations and solutions are not all that matters the stones being used against superheroes was also a critical part in making the movie entertaining.

You know entertaining as in not getting paralyzed by a self imposed intelligence level that no one can penetrate so why bother in the first place going to the movies lol
Oh, well, okay? I guess. I mean, it's the second time we establish the movie is fun.

I mean, even those popcorn movies you listed (and rudely tried to compare with this), concern themselves with, basic, writing... But whatever.

Oh god my head hurts from being so smart.
What if Thanos adopted a puppy at the end to play fetch with lol at the end to be more loveable...ha ha......End scene thanos chiling with snoopy. Also does the collector's place being destroyed save us from another Howard the duck movie ??? I hope so sorry.