Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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He seems like a nice guy. I want to be his friend.

He is, he doesn't pontificate, he doesn't stall, he has a clear goal, not a great job writing it but I can where they were going with him.

Had they done a Thanos movie instead and not waste time with other stuff I think it could've been a little better.

Gaspar is like the villains in Scooby Doo.

“I would’ve got away with sucking the fun out of IW with my vacuum experiment if it wasn’t for these damn kids!”
I'm not trying to take your fun away Jye, we've established it's a fun movie.

We've also established it's TPM level writing.

I'm ok with both, are you?
But, that's not his motive and the movie doesn't imply he's looking for retribution, hell, I'm not sure it even shows him being contemptuous, if he was looking for retribution he wouldn't disappear random people as consumption in itself is not amoral and it's not one individual's fault that overpopulation exists.

If he was looking for punishment he would kill all of those who would stand in hi way and as we see, he would only kill when necessary.

There's a bunch of character contradictions with Thanos, like a bunch, he's a knot of a character, but he strikes me the most as kind of merciful.

Then that's just because you bought into his rhetoric which shows just how good a villain he was. He's a mass murderer on the scale of trillions and you came away thinking he was a merciful guy.
Isn't that what he did? Wasn't he watching the sunset on a restored planet? I guess I might not fully remember since I've still just seen it the one time.

After the scene where Thanos shows Strange what Titan used to look like, it reverts back to its present condition. The entire battle between him and the heroes takes place in the wasteland of Titan.

I've read where some think he's on Gamora's home planet at the end, seeing that he mentions to her earlier that it's "now a paradise".
Then that's just because you bought into his rhetoric which shows just how good a villain he was. He's a mass murderer on the scale of trillions and you came away thinking he was a merciful guy.
But I'm not saying hes not a mass murderer or a good guy, making people disappear in the name of "balance" is messing with the balance of the universe in itself.

The only difference is that up to that point he's had to kill people by hand, but his goal was the same.
But I'm not saying hes not a mass murderer or a good guy, making people disappear in the name of "balance" is messing with the balance of the universe in itself.

The only difference is that up to that point he's had to kill people by hand, but his goal was the same.

His primary goal was the slowing down of resource depletion. The finger snap accomplished that. Prior to the finger snap his whole shtick was using armies to exterminate 50% of any population he came across. Why would his entire world view and philosophy suddenly change when he got the glove if he enjoyed what he was doing in the first place?
Then that's just because you bought into his rhetoric which shows just how good a villain he was. He's a mass murderer on the scale of trillions and you came away thinking he was a merciful guy.

Assuming that Thanos is not lying about what he knows about the universe, and that the universe is in trouble, then vanishing people as opposed to not doing anything and letting countless planets slowly die like his home world, Titan, is not wrong. He values life, just not the way we usually do. I guess he could find another way to save the universe, but I have to assume he looked for other options first.
You're doin' it wrong.

His primary goal was the slowing down of resource depletion. The finger snap accomplished that. Prior to the finger snap his whole shtick was using armies to exterminate 50% of any population he came across. Why would his entire world view and philosophy suddenly change when he got the glove if he enjoyed what he was doing in the first place?
But it didn't change.

That's my point.

It only changed that he no longer had to do it by hand, cause pain(physical that is) on the victims, and that it was much quicker.

He strikes me more like an Ozymandias than comicbook Thanos.

Assuming that Thanos is not lying about what he knows about the universe, and that the universe is trouble, then vanishing people as opposed to not doing anything and letting countless planets slowly die like his home world, Titan, then he's not... wrong. He values life, just not the way we usually do. I guess he could find another way to save the universe, but I have to assume he looked for other options first.

If you have to be a ****ing ******* to get it, so be it.
Gaspar is like the villains in Scooby Doo.

“I would’ve got away with sucking the fun out of IW with my vacuum experiment if it wasn’t for you meddling kids!”

Yeah at the end of the day the confusion over why Thanos did something bad always seems to be from the assumption that he's NOT bad. Um did none of them watch the actual opening scene where he went "Mr. Takagi" on the Asgardians who wouldn't give him the information he wanted, lol.

"Hans Gruber isn't bad. Wanting to be rich and relax on a beach isn't inherently immoral." Uh no, but blowing away anyone who doesn't just hand you said millions IS, lol.
But I'm not saying hes not a mass murderer or a good guy, making people disappear in the name of "balance" is messing with the balance of the universe in itself.

The only difference is that up to that point he's had to kill people by hand, but his goal was the same.

Take Hitler for a second shall we.

Ask yourself this, at the end of day did it matter if his reasons made any logical sense to his followers or even to himself?

If you have to be a ****ing ******* to get it, so be it.

Okay well then by that logic ESB Vader, Alexander Pierce, Ultron, Hans Landa, the villain in Moonraker, etc., pretty much every "humanitarian" that calmly chooses mass murder as a way of making the world a better place are good guys too. Glad we got that out on the table so that the rest of us can just say, "uh yeah that would be a no." ;)
Hitler was racist, Thanos isn’t. If Thanos rounded up only the Christians and made them disappear it would be a different story.
Okay well then by that logic ESB Vader, Alexander Pierce, Ultron, Hans Landa, the villain in Moonraker, etc., pretty much every "humanitarian" that calmly chooses mass murder as a way of making the world a better place are good guys too. Glad we got that out on the table so that the rest of us can just say, "uh yeah that would be a no." ;)
But just in the previous post I said he's not a good guy, I'm not saying he's a good guy.

What is wrong with you people? :lol
Hitler was racist, Thanos isn’t. If Thanos rounded up only the Christians and made them disappear it would be a different story.

Different story than what? Humanely murdering people at random? :lol

Murdering trillions of random people = Merciful pruning of the universe
Murdering 3 million Jews = Come on now that's just racist
Different story than what? Humanely murdering people at random? :lol

Murdering trillions of people = Merciful pruning of the universe
Murdering 3 million Jews = Come on now that's just racist
But it is merciful to HIM, that's the point, that's why he's a villain.

God dammit I'm having BvS flashbacks while trying to defend the ****** writing of this movie of all things :lol

Okay then you have your answers as to why he does what he does. There's no contradiction in his behavior so stop making yourself look foolish. :thwak

Oh my goooooooooooooooooooood.


Jeezus guys!

Omg. :lol
Take Hitler for a second shall we.

Ask yourself this, at the end of day did it matter if his reasons made any logical sense to his followers or even to himself?

I've seen this Hitler comparison nonsense a few times already. :dunno

Thanos didn't have concentration camps or starved a specific group of people to death. He gave them quick deaths, so that the rest of the population could prosper, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or species. Is it immoral to kill people, yes....but that aside, if it works to ultimately save the other half of the universe, then...his math works.