Why did Thanos tortured Nebula so much? He's such a good guy, I don't get it.
That was his fetish
Why did Thanos tortured Nebula so much? He's such a good guy, I don't get it.
That was his fetish
Does anyone know how the Black Order knew exactly where the Stones were on earth twice?
I see Clown's bait skills are still wack
Yeah I agree.
But a little more fat trimming in favor of Thanos screen time would've been a bit better imo.
I see Clown's bait skills are still wack
Different story than what? Humanely murdering people at random?
Murdering trillions of random people = Merciful pruning of the universe
Murdering 3 million Jews = Come on now that's just racist
I've seen this Hitler comparison nonsense a few times already.
Thanos didn't have concentration camps or starved a specific group of people to death. He gave them quick deaths, so that the rest of the population could prosper, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or species. Is it immoral to kill people, yes....but that aside, if it works to ultimately save the other half of the universe, then...his math works.
Yes true but i’m referring to the allied forces did they care or worry about his logic that maybe he had a point or maybe they just weren’t understanding him?
I should write for the MCU...or SW.
You've got it all wrong friend. Sometimes the right thing to do feels wrong.
IF our planet no, our universe only had one way of survival, to eliminate half the population, then of course that's what we need to do. Thanos was generous, no one because of their social status had an up on another.
Hitler was all about social status and wanted the exact opposite, only for an "elite" group of humans should be around to reap the benefits of life. Thanos was securing all life for everyone in the future, Hitler wasn't. Hitler didn't want jews to live. Hitler didn't save lives in the long run. He hurt them.
Kinda wack that I have to explain this.... what did they teach you kids in school?
Of course not, he didn't have a point that made sense. "I want to exterminate all jews" Is different from "I must save the future of our universe."
Thanos was trying to save lives, Hitler was trying to end them. If you can't see that difference then I guess the day has come where an MCU movie is too smaht for the general public.
The only way to fix the planet is to stop overpopulation.
Ask any scientist, any environmentalist,
The only way earth will be saved is if we can somehow stop overpopulation
Thanos is actually the good guy
Just blowing through this thread - but statement caught me - IMO yeah. Never gave it much thought but as villains go, I liked James Brolin but at the same time got tired of seeing so much of him. Maybe just because his head fills the screen so much. I dunno got bored here and there. Kept wishing Hela would pop in and liven things up. Maybe I like more fiery villains like Hela. Kept thinking less would have been more like when Vader strides into a room/
Or I wonder if the raves about Thanos are because the Russos told us how great he was and he gets lots of screen time so you can't NOT be thrilled or you are a just an alien-racist or something. But I did appreciate him. Great actor. But I already know I will fast-forward some scenes in time with this film.