Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Oh okay fine. I will say this though, I actually love this particular topic on the movie and if you have indeed been serious all along I find it fascinating that people can even make such arguments. Can something be mathematically correct but not morally correct? I would argue yes. And that was Cap and the Avengers' position as well hence them making every effort to save Vision instead of just nuking the stone while it was still in his head.
See, I really don't get where this thing of Thanos being a good guy came from, I wasn't making that claim.

And I know that lots of people are hating on Star-Lord for messing up the glove removal but to me that was a forgivable mistake given the circumstances. The moment he became no better than Thanos *to me* is when he really did try to off Gamora. "Good" guys just don't do that IMO. I mean if she was suffering and he had to put her out of her misery or something that's one thing but just blowing her away to save others, no matter how many, was wrong (based on my own morality.) I can see where others would think his actions made perfect sense, and by extension why Thanos' actions also made sense and were even merciful or moral.
Not hating on Starlord, it was a stupid reaction, but it's well written and understandable, characters can act stupid and that can still be good writing, in this case Starlord was a sacrificial lamb and it served well, who else could've made such a stupid decision and seem that natural? Drax? Which he did, earlier in the movie.

Also, it wasn't Starlord's decision to shoot Gamora, it was a promise he made to her, which he was willing to fulfull due to his love for Gamora, not his own convictions.

I suppose it is morally dubious, but Starlord is a morally dubious character, so his love for Gamora takes precedence.

I'm definitely glad that the main heroes (*especially Cap*) did not have such views.
And that's what makes them heroes.
True, saying Star-Lord was no better than Thanos for being willing to sacrifice Gamora was a bit harsh since it was what she wanted and her intentions were noble. I still think it was the "wrong" move for a "hero" to make, but I *like* that such a dilemma was a part of the film.

Even having said all that it's not like I know for a fact that I'd always be able to stick to my own morals. Yes I believe it's wrong to kill innocents to save others but if the classic movie scenario of a plane carrying chemical/biological weapons was flying toward a city that my kids were in and the president asked if I approved of shooting the plane down yeah it'd probably be history, lol.


But still, great stuff to ponder.
Thanos, without make-up, at the premiere:


Truly amazing villain.
True, saying Star-Lord was no better than Thanos for being willing to sacrifice Gamora was a bit harsh since it was what she wanted and her intentions were noble. I still think it was the "wrong" move for a "hero" to make, but I *like* that such a dilemma was a part of the film.

Even having said all that it's not like I know for a fact that I'd always be able to stick to my own morals. Yes I believe it's wrong to kill innocents to save others but if the classic movie scenario of a plane carrying chemical/biological weapons was flying toward a city that my kids were in and the president asked if I approved of shooting the plane down yeah it'd probably be history, lol.


But still, great stuff to ponder.

Yeah, that's right, he can be a noble character, like thieves who are thieves by force of circumstance but are still good natured, that's pretty much Starlord, so one can understand his moral skipping beats.

Alright alright :duff:

I was waiting for Jye or Khev to point it out and claim a victory :lol

Yeah he is a nice guy, just like a psychopaths and war criminals are charismatic.
Oh okay fine. I will say this though, I actually love this particular topic on the movie and if you have indeed been serious all along I find it fascinating that people can even make such arguments. Can something be mathematically correct but not morally correct? I would argue yes. And that was Cap and the Avengers' position as well hence them making every effort to save Vision instead of just nuking the stone while it was still in his head.

And I know that lots of people are hating on Star-Lord for messing up the glove removal but to me that was a forgivable mistake given the circumstances. The moment he became no better than Thanos *to me* is when he really did try to off Gamora. "Good" guys just don't do that IMO. I mean if she was suffering and he had to put her out of her misery or something that's one thing but just blowing her away to save others, no matter how many, was wrong (based on my own moral beliefs.) I can see where others would think his actions made perfect sense, and by extension why Thanos' actions also made sense and were even merciful or moral.

I'm definitely glad that the main heroes (*especially Cap*) did not have such views. But it's still fascinating to discuss.

Your Thanos motivation post a few pages back was a great read btw. :rock

I loved it that Starlord showed off his human side and got angry at Thanos and lost sight of their goal and I also loved it that it was Stark who viewed Starlord as acting irrational when in CW Stark was the one pushing the accords for inaction and went irrational himself against those that opposed the accords and who dealt with Bucky by losing control of his emotions just like......you ready......Starlord.

Oh MCU how I adore you lol
Yeah, that's right, he can be a noble character, like thieves who are thieves by force of circumstance but are still good natured, that's pretty much Starlord, so one can understand his moral skipping beats.

Alright alright :duff:

I was waiting for Jye or Khev to point it out and claim a victory :lol

Yeah he is a nice guy, just like a psychopaths and war criminals are charismatic.

I went forward in time and saw 14 million posts. I found this.

Thanos is a good boi. A real hero...a real human bean. ;_ ;
Star-lord's "screw-up" is one of the best bits in the movie.

I doubt MCU expected such a backlash to his actions. Writer's are working furiously right now to redeem him in part 2.
This is just a summer blockbuster for children so they couldnt go to into depth.

And technically thanos wanted to be "fair " and randomly erase

But imagine how difficult and complicated the situation becomes if thanos wanted to erase the evil people of the world.

What would the heroes say if thanos promised to only kill the bad people
What if some of the avengers even agreed with him....

What if thanos promised to leave the avengers alive.
To leave his families alive.

What if he earsed everyone in the jails of the world.