Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

What the ****? No. :lol

That's as delusional as Khev coming up with his own Star Wars cannon.

Tony would know that and not wonder how his pops died for so long.

Not necessarily. Not if it wasn't a monitored camera but just one of those things that tapes (1991). The camera was shot out and the tape taken - the footage was in Hydra's possession and it's a tape. WS could have taken it and there's nothing to say he was working alone, or his Hydra buddies didn't show up later to collect him, the briefcase, evidence.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

But Stark would’ve immediately thought to seek out the footage if he was aware of that camera.

I’m not complaining I love the movie and that scene.

I liked how the footage was presented in a way that it was as a mix of what the camera caught and Tony filling in the blanks with his imagination.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

But Stark would’ve immediately thought to seek out the footage if he was aware of that camera.

I’m not complaining I love the movie and that scene.

I liked how the footage was presented in a way that it was as a mix of what the camera caught and Tony filling in the blanks with his imagination.

LOL I can't stop...:lolbut, Tony would have been grief-stricken and overwhelmed, and the camera was destroyed/missing footage. And IMO it's not unusual for a-holes to vandalize stuff, so there's probably no way to know WHEN the camera was damaged. Suspicious. But not conclusive.

And I never think about this stuff 'coz it's not real:google:lol
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

These debates are fun to follow and occasionally put in my 2 cents.

Fact is i loved TWS and CW was an awesome follow up.

Especially the last act. "No sense" camera angle or not[emoji23]

is this the new "how did bruce get back to Gotham so quick" debate? Lol

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

This stupidity is gettin' out of hands so I'll break my word and state the most obvious things:

The scene takes place in 1991 on some country road between Stark's house and Pentagon.
No way all of those lighting posts had hidden cameras built in.
And even if they had (which is impossible), they'd spot WS way before the attack.
Now let's say the whole operation was covered by sleepin' HYDRA agents (which is impossible)... Why would WS care to shoot a camera then, and just one? Especially AFTER the attack?
Why didn't he had his mask on durin' this operation?
Like everyone else, Howard thought that Bucky was dead... Why would his reaction to seein' WS be "help my wife, Sergeant Barnes"?

And that's just one scene.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Don't get me wrong, CW had a lot of actually good scenes and themes.

"Challenge incites conflict".
Main villain is just a man, who actually wins and lives for once.
Both Stark and Rogers make good points for bad reasons.
Finale is a personal one-on-one conflict between two friends takin' place underground.
Rogers gettin' punished for keepin' truth from his friend in order to keep the other one save.
Peggy Carter's funeral is one of my most favorite scenes in the entire MCU.

It's just that they could write and direct this film so that there'd be no WTF moments.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

These debates are fun to follow and occasionally put in my 2 cents.

Fact is i loved TWS and CW was an awesome follow up.

Especially the last act.

I watched both movies the other day (lost count how many times now) and I noticed that they are probably 2 of Marvels most serious ones. There were funny moments but it wasn't rampant like the Thor movies. I genuinely think that's one of there reasons those movies are so good. I can't even think of a funny moment in TWS, because they were so subtle and well done.

I like the comedy in the Marvel movies but sometimes they over do it. I'm almost dreading watching the new Thor after all the feedback on it. Its' almost like I'm about to watch a comedy flick with Thor and Hulk starring it.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I watched both movies the other day (lost count how many times now) and I noticed that they are probably 2 of Marvels most serious ones. There were funny moments but it wasn't rampant like the Thor movies. I genuinely think that's one of there reasons those movies are so good. I can't even think of a funny moment in TWS, because they were so subtle and well done.

I like the comedy in the Marvel movies but sometimes they over do it. I'm almost dreading watching the new Thor after all the feedback on it. Its' almost like I'm about to watch a comedy flick with Thor and Hulk starring it.

Agree. As for Going into Ragnorok. Just prepare yourself. It IS a comedy. Once you going knowing this it should be ok (hopefully)

For me the 2 movies they REALLY over did it with humor/ comedy was age of ultron and and gotg2. Enjoyable movies but jokes every 2 minutes got a lil annoying haha

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

This stupidity is gettin' out of hands so I'll break my word and state the most obvious things:

The scene takes place in 1991 on some country road between Stark's house and Pentagon.
No way all of those lighting posts had hidden cameras built in.
And even if they had (which is impossible), they'd spot WS way before the attack.
Now let's say the whole operation was covered by sleepin' HYDRA agents (which is impossible)... Why would WS care to shoot a camera then, and just one? Especially AFTER the attack?
Why didn't he had his mask on durin' this operation?
Like everyone else, Howard thought that Bucky was dead... Why would his reaction to seein' WS be "help my wife, Sergeant Barnes"?

And that's just one scene.

It's a dumb movie with dumb plot points.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Don't get me wrong, CW had a lot of actually good scenes and themes.

"Challenge incites conflict".
Main villain is just a man, who actually wins and lives for once.
Both Stark and Rogers make good points for bad reasons.
Finale is a personal one-on-one conflict between two friends takin' place underground.
Rogers gettin' punished for keepin' truth from his friend in order to keep the other one save.
Peggy Carter's funeral is one of my most favorite scenes in the entire MCU.

It's just that they could write and direct this film so that there'd be no WTF moments.

Yeah, the fact that the main villian lives was a surprise to me, since the MCU loves to off its villians during the climax.

There were lots of things that the film did well, but also things that were not done well. I am excited for IW, however I am aware that there might be too many cooks in the kitchen (too many characters), which can derail the entire script/plot.

One thing is for sure, Thanos and his minions need to kill some heroes so that there are some actual stakes for once in the MCU.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

This stupidity is gettin' out of hands so I'll break my word and state the most obvious things:

The scene takes place in 1991 on some country road between Stark's house and Pentagon.
No way all of those lighting posts had hidden cameras built in.
And even if they had (which is impossible), they'd spot WS way before the attack.
Now let's say the whole operation was covered by sleepin' HYDRA agents (which is impossible)... Why would WS care to shoot a camera then, and just one? Especially AFTER the attack?
Why didn't he had his mask on durin' this operation?
Like everyone else, Howard thought that Bucky was dead... Why would his reaction to seein' WS be "help my wife, Sergeant Barnes"?

And that's just one scene.

But...so OK, it *seems* to be generally agreed (if nothing else) that the hit took place on a country road which probably was a direct route to the Starks' plush mansion.

1. IMO in an environment like that - or at least the footage I've seen of folks w. that kind of stuff - there's not that many cameras (unless you are heading to Langley, apparently). One or several along a road, maybe more at the front and back doors - anywhere there's an entrance. Not on every tree. Also, I'm gonna think that Stark (like his son) is cocky and arrogant at times - e.g. the serum was in his house, where his wife and son were. E.g. Stark didn't have enough security and didn't think he or his family would be a target. Stark wasn't LOOKING for anyone to attack him - there's no reaction when the motorcycle pulls up next to the car either. There's no kind of bodyguard.

2. The camera wasn't state of the art anyway. It was VHS tape, unmonitored, on a road. Maybe the house itself would have had better alarms. And who says it was hidden? From the angle you can't tell. Might be a garden-variety surveillance camera stuck on a tree, because WS just shoots it. We never get a look at the actual camera.

3. WS and maybe other Hydra picked a good spot to stage an accident. Studied it.



That particular stretch of road w. woods and not a lot of room to maneuver (motorcycle). Not a lot of traffic. The point was the environment. The camera was meaningless - WS or Hydra knew about it, and the camera was going to be destroyed anyway w. no evidence left behind. WS handler's probably wanted the tape of the operation if they could get it - proof of HS death would make Hydra happy:dance; after it was over why not destroy the camera? WS is probably just following mission protocols: 1. Get serum; 2. No witnesses; 3. Destroy or retrieve evidence.

Besides, if you shoot a camera out of a tree and THEN pull a tape, you didn't have to climb a tree in the dark to get the tape *not as cool*.:monkey3 We don't know what the camera looked like or where the tape was housed. Only that it was 1991 tech and probably bulky by today's standards. Or the tape was elsewhere and either WS or other Hydra took it, and WS was just making sure by getting rid of the fact there ever WAS a camera. No point in looking for something that's just GONE.

(Also leaves the door open that the U.S. military/CIA knew this was a hit, but either helped fudge the accident story or outright made the story up, because the U.S. doesn't want anyone to know they were, essentially, making more super soldiers. Esp. with Thunderbolt Ross/Abomination etc.)

4. Why have a mask on? WS only seems to wear that in an urban environment where there might be more surveillance. Especially w. more " in current time" hits like Fury.
He doesn't need it where everyone's either Hydra or gonna be dead anyway. Or in a dark woods.

5. Anyone w. head injury or drugs is gonna be pretty fuzzy about what's goin' on around them.

Anyway I don't have a problem w. this scene.:cool:
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

You guys are still on this? It’s not that deep
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

It's a movie. I just look to have fun and be entertained for 2 hours.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Maybe there's a reward for unlocking the greatest mystery in the history of cinema. :lol