Avengers Secret Wars - November 7, 2025

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Jackman = Great Wolverine

RDJ = Great Stark

Allow another actor to go make a great Victor Von Doom!

RDJ as Doom at best comes off as him being greedy, at worst desperation by Marvel.
It all smells of "I need a win" by Feige/Marvel/Disney. There is every world scenario where I would take RDJ back as TS. There is NO World where I'd have him back as Doom.

MCU is making me feel like the Matrix series. Seems like there was a great plan through Endgame (in the case of the Matrix, through the first movie). After that however...scattered, what-do-we-do-now-to-keep-this-thing-going-because-it's-printing-money-plan.
So will RDJ's Doom be a manic, fast-talking, wise-cracking super-genius too...?

I can't see RDJ sitting still and smoldering, malevolently. If he does, why get RDJ for that?
A sass talking Dr. Doom, in high heals, and a minor beauty-scar. (cause you know he's not marring or covering up that pretty face)
Isn't this what everyone wanted. :huh
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It all smells of "I need a win" by Feige/Marvel/Disney. There is every world scenario where I would take RDJ back as TS. There is NO World where I'd have him back as Doom.

MCU is making me feel like the Matrix series. Seems like there was a great plan through Endgame (in the case of the Matrix, through the first movie). After that however...scattered, what-do-we-do-now-to-keep-this-thing-going-because-it's-printing-money-plan.
They have a win tho.

RDJ wouldn't be the first actor to find playing a villain more interesting.

Maybe he's grateful but tired of the Tony association the way it got old for Boseman having everyone constantly doing the Wakanda Forever thing. Like Hugh Jackman can sing, dance, etc. Then there was Hemsworth who said flat out he was bored playing Thor until Taika came into the mix.

For me tho the choice is still a surprise. WTF. 😁

Too bad about Spacey, I liked his performances.
RDJ playing Kevin Spacey blending Lex Luthor and Frank Underwood as Dr. Doom.

Dr. Doom with a South Carolina accent!
Wrong character.
Christopher J. Priest said:
"Lastly, we needed a doppelganger. A Reverse Flash. We needed a mirror image of Panther. A man who is, himself, completely enigmatic, and whose powers of reason and deduction rivaled (if not surpassed) Panther's own. The White Wolf was, obviously, his name, but I stumbled around looking for a hook for this guy until I saw .... Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil. Of the many, many wacked-out characters in that very odd film, there was Kevin Spacey, playing a kind of southern gentleman with a raft of secrets. I called Joe and said, "That's the guy. That's the white wolf— he's, literally, a white guy. He's Kevin Spacey."
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The 2 biggest problems with RDJ as Doom is his voice and his face (his height as well, but they sure did everything they could to make him look taller previously).

His voice is not the least menacing, not even one bit. They would seriously need to alter his voice somehow. Even if they tried to alter it as if through is helmet/mask. But that wouldn't help if he takes it off as his voice would then be back to normal. Which also coincides with problem number 2.

His Face. They would have to prosthetically alter it too. RDJ's ego is too big to never be maskless. Doom should be like 99% always on screen with his mask on. That ain't gonna happen, so they seriously need some good prosthetics for scaring or whatever they may wanna do to explain why he is masked. Other wise, everyone in the audience and in the movie will just see Tony Stark. Will be way too distracting and take you right out of the movie. Not to mention why no one on screen isn't like "Hey, isn't that Tony Stank??"...

Still feel this is the dumbest idea ever... Nothing will change that until we see the end result in 2 years.
I woke up in the middle of the night, and had some cereal because I couldn't sleep. I must have scrolled Facebook or something.

Because when I saw this mentioned this morning, I had my first "Wait, that was real???" moment in a long time.