OK, so back to my thoughts on the film.
One final negative, the PredAlien - Wolf battle was a bit lackluster to me. I found the fight between the Queen and Scar in the first AVP to be more interesting, dynamic and ferocious. This battle was a bit short and I just wasn't blown away, I expected the show down of show downs and I enjoyed watching Wolf against the drones much more so.
So, I imagine it must seem hard to imagine with all that said that I enjoyed myself at all watching this film, but there were things I liked.
First thing I liked was the use of musical snippets from the first films in these series, they have become themes for these creatures so it's good to see them back to highlighting their presence, like the tribal tones for the Predators.
I also liked the filming style with the Alien warriors and not making them overally prominent in your vision.
The PredAlien was a successful new creature, and I'll say new because even though the concept was apparent in comics/games whatever, I only follow the films and it was fresh and done well, compared to the tragedy that was the human-Alien hybrid in Resurrection. I liked how it made noises like the Queen in Aliens and I liked that the Alien warriors made sounds like in ALIENS as well. I also like that it was a methodical creature, more like the Predators
Wolf, as I said, is the best of the AVP Preds in my mind. I enjoyed his fighting style, his weapons were pretty wild, the new ones anyway, especially the whip, that things was wild to watch and the way it ripped apart the one warrior that you got to see was just crazy. I loved how a lot of the warriors were dispatched with seeming ease for the Wolf because he was so good he just took them out but some put up a fight. The only thing other than the early climax of his coolness, that I didn't like was when he was maskless, I was hoping to hear the usual Predator roar and the new thing they used just didn't have the same impact for me.
Overall, it was a pretty good popcorn flick, but these movies could still be better. For example, Transformers was a great popcorn movie, just sheer fun, but at the same time, the human in it were engaging enough that you were drawn into the events with them even though the overall premise is giant robots fighting. Same needs to apply here for these to be better films, the humans have to be engaging for you also and not cookie cutter ripoffs of pre-existing characters from the series.
Final negative thought about a small point but valid nonetheless, talk about utter bull**** to have the U.S. army just bomb a town away. I've seen Outbreak (GREAT movie if you haven't seen it) and in a similar situation, there was a drawn out story line of how you just can't blow up town's to cover things up and it was believeable and emotional and pulled you into the story, but this movie just suspended the value of human life, further adding to you not caring about the human characters.
So, in the end, do I feel like I wasted my time seeing this, not at all. Will I buy the eventual DVD, certainly, I have all the films in these series and it's good enough to watch again. Do I treasure it like ALIEN, ALIENS and Predator, certainly not. Will I still buy all 3 Hot Toys figures, ABSOLUTELY. The creatures were great, their context was so-so. Out of 4 stars, I'd give it about 2.5.