Super Freak
I found that i wasnt surprised by any of the action because 95% of it was in the trailer 

Yeah Scar V Queen was awesome ****
Best moment was when the queen was chomping at that dumb chick and Scar came down from the air 360 style and shoved the spear through Queen's head, that was bad ass, that and the stare down just before they both died was cool too. Like I said, more dynamic, they were in each other's face, it felt more like a fight than Wolf-PA. Wolf almsot seemed like a retired Predator in that fight, like all he was really good for was cleanup and he got in over his head with the PA and just didn't have any fight left in him.
I've got one question after browsing these reviews since I haven't seen the movie. The "Wolf" Predator goes to earth to "clean up" the alien mess, and he uses standard Predator hunting weapons instead of the nuclear technology employed by every other Predator when its time to clean up a mess? I certainly don't expect any of these movies to be realistic but internal consistency is always nice.
It didn't help matters that the whole film looked to be shot in the dark, not film dark where there is a light hue that still allows to you see the action but reality darkness where you can't see ****. I think that was the most annoying of all....I went to a matinee showing that was about 40% full with a bunch of young teens in there and everyone left disappointed....some more vocal than others.
I guarantee this makes it out to DVD before we get Wolf Predator's HT Figure.
Well here's the thing. He does use the nuclear technology to take out the crashed ship, keeping consistent, but there are small ammounts of trace evidence scattered about to dispense and the idea is to leave as little a mark as possible, so nuking every little thing is just crazy. He uses traditional tactics to eliminate the Aliens and some new blue substance to do away with residue and bodies tied to the Predator and Alien activities.
All right that isn't so bad. Another question; the girl in the trailer that gets impaled to the wall with a shuriken, what was the deal with that? Did the movie give a good explanation as to why she was targeted by the Predator? She certainly didn't appear to meet the qualifications for worthy Predator "prey".
She got in the way of a fight, I'll keep it at that for you, she wasn't a target though.
Gotcha. How would you compare this movie to the late 80's remake of The Blob? It seems quite similar in style and tone to what I've read about the new AVP.