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I sent you 2 emails about getting pictures of my finished stuff but got no response . I do not feel comfortable sending balance for something I'm not gonna be happy with . based on what I've seen so far ,I'm very concerned and do not want to pay top dollar for something I'm gonna have to pay top dollar to fix. Shipping back and forth can get expensive .

I'm not sending mine back either..just getting it repainted. I asked for a refund or even a partial refund and I got the response to send it back? What's to say the paint will be any better next time? Not worth it..I should be sent a new one without having to send this one back. I'm afraid Sal will not get anymore business after this.
Ya I definitely think going the repaint route is the way to go. Who did yours aaron?

Sal should offer partial refund for any sculpt that doesn't look even remotely close to the one he advertises on his site, it's sad really...such a great sculpt.
The sad thing about this is for newcomers they will just go to ebay and buy a recast. I wouldn't blame them either.
This whole venture was a great idea in principal. Stop the recasters by allowing reputable casts to be made with Trev's consent with some of the proceeds going direct to the man himself.

Sadly in reality it's been a bit of a train wreck. The pricing is way off far too expensive for the product's being received. Granted Sal is a talented painter some of the sculpts on his website look great but when you buy a sculpt your not guaranteed to get his work. Forget the fact most people didn't want the paint work in the first place and are ending up having to pay on top to have the sculpt repainted. The couple of recent casting issues we are seeing and the speed at which these are being turned around (not unusual for custom work tbh but at the price point and supposedly a studios worth of painters working on them not particularly fast either) I wouldn't be surprised if a few sadly take the recast option. It was a nice idea it hasn't worked in my eyes anyway but it is Trev's call perhaps other options could be looked into?
Didn't Sal buy recast after The Merger announcement ? I think I remember reading something about that but I'm not sure ?

That was cleared up I believe. It wasn't one of the WW sculpts was a Rainman Dude sculpt and he supposedly didn't know it was a recast. An honest but incredibly foolish (especially in the position he's in working with Trev's sculpts) mistake by all accounts.
Talk about killing the Golden Goose. I nearly died when I was quoted $180 for a headsculpt which I cannot buy unpainted and commission a painter of my choice. :(:thumbdown:
Still got a bit to learn before im up to Darren or Nathans standards but i think not bad considering i only charge $60 :lol

I intend to replace these glasses
Looks good and certainly a lot better than some other$.

Why would you change the glasses? Maybe sand them a bit more but they're certainly the best available.
Thanks guys I appreciate it :)

Looks good and certainly a lot better than some other$.

Why would you change the glasses? Maybe sand them a bit more but they're certainly the best available.

The only thing that bothers me is that the factory paint has overlapped on to the glasses. I’m tempted to try stripping it off but I wouldn’t want them to go all frosted.
Im contemplating buying a the set that Fullmetal makes.
Heres my guys.


I did the painting made the meth and made the suits!

What do you guys think?