Balrog LS Bust pics

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Super Freak
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
Got him today, and he's a big un! To the top of the back
highest flame is 20.75" tall. Not sure if I'll be able to find
room for him, as he's also wide, and I'm out of room as it is.
But he sure is a beauty, and the flames look great!
I only wish it had a light up feature to illuminate him.....








JS :balrog
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Very nice looking!! I never took notice to the base, that is pretty sharp as well. Even though he's sitting on the floor you can definitely tell he's huge. Congrats on your purchase. Curious though, do you think he's worth sideshow's asking price?
that's pretty pimp. i still dont think it's worth the price point though.
Yes, if I were a Balrog collector, I think he's worth the price due to the
huge size, really nice paint application, and mostly the flames. They are
translucent and really set off the piece in my opinion. It'd sure be neat
to have a Balrog display with this and the original Balrog next to him.

Congrats! Balrog looks great.:D I, too, wish that sideshow would've included a light-up feature, perhaps then it would warrant the asking price. How much does it weigh? Also, do you think you could shoot some pics with some PFs for better comparisons? Thanks!
Don't have anything for comparison unfortunately, as he's boxed
back up due to me not having room for him right now. The side
of the box says it weighs 35 pounds. Not too heavy, but just big.

Looks really good! Nice pics JSA. I see that it goes for about $40 less on ebay, I am going to wait till it hits the $300 then I'm going to get it.
they should have made his eyes a bit glossy, like with weta's Naz steed bust. With the price point, the translucent flames, eyes, and mouth should have lit up. Easy pass for me.
If he would of light up like the amazing lights on the GR LSB I would have loved to own this but no lights.:monkey2
Grabed me one yesterday off of ebay for 370 shipped!! Figured that wasn't too bad and saved some..Can't wait to get it, it'll look awesome..:monkey5
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I haven't totally decided if the translucent flames are warranted yet, they almost have to have the light-up feature as a result.

Kind of a tease. :monkey5