Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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Here's some of mine, repainted it :)




Since the new DX is coming out, I tried to fix my BR Joker up a bit....I first went for the Int room look, but I found that too boring....and everyone has used that look. So I mixed it up a bit.....If you dont like it....I'm sorry. :lol






no offense, but it's really fugly.
I think that it's pretty amazing - although we never see him like that in the movie, it looks like an R-rated version of the interrogation scene. :bow
no offense, but it's really fugly.

Why would he take offense to a comment like that? :lol

Anyone who has the cajones to repaint a $150 figure is A OK in my book. I like it....very "I just got my ass handed to me by Batmanesque". :lol
Wow you ruined a perfectly good Bank Robber Joker figure. The sculpt/paint apps are great to begin with so you just decided because a new one is coming out that you need to take a dump on the previous one? Looks like crap. Great job sloshing ugly red paint all over him.
Wow you ruined a perfectly good Bank Robber Joker figure. The sculpt/paint apps are great to begin with so you just decided because a new one is coming out that you need to take a dump on the previous one? Looks like crap. Great job sloshing ugly red paint all over him.


If TDK was rated 'R' that's probably what Joker would look like after the interrogation.
Wow you ruined a perfectly good Bank Robber Joker figure. The sculpt/paint apps are great to begin with so you just decided because a new one is coming out that you need to take a dump on the previous one? Looks like crap. Great job sloshing ugly red paint all over him.

Oh....I'm so sorry. :lol

Dev, he's stomping his feet in anger. :rotfl
I actually like it. It's what i would have wanted Batman to do Joker during the interrogation scene. Could you imagine how pissed Batman was that as hard as he hit him the Joker just keeps laughing in his face? I give kudos to Celtic P for the repaint. More Balls than I got!