Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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I kinda like the hate.....its hilarious. :D
I love my custom even more now.

*Hugs bloody Joker*

LoL...I like you attitude my friend. I think its ace what you have done...if you like it then thats cool coz its YOUR figure. others may not like it.. which is also cool. Its just opinion. think how creepy the new head with moving eyes will be if you bloodied his face up and he cud look at you and his eyes follow you around.....
I love it when people take an expensive toy and say "It's good... but I want it to look different. Here's what I'm gonna do...."

In the really super duper close photos I know what people mean when they say it's a mess... not in terms of skill... there's just something a little off about it.


In that pic where he's sitting down, the one done FROM NORMAL VIEWING DISTANCE.... how you would see it on your shelf... I absolutely friggin love this. Its like a scene from the film that just wasn't shown. Unique, different, original, and ballsy

Everything I like :rock
I kinda like the hate.....its hilarious. :D
I love my custom even more now.

*Hugs bloody Joker*

You've got cojones of steel, man (toy-hugging aside ... Ha! Ha!). Good for you. If you like it, that's really all that matters. I am unwilling to subject my figures to my inept artistic talents ... but I like to see what people with more patience and talent than I can do with a figure.

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Every single figure, when put up to macro looks crappy.

I would have agreed with you 6-months-ago. The Enterbay Jack Bauer and David Palmer figures proved me wrong -- they actually seem to look BETTER up close. A couple of the most recent Hot Toys figures seem to be equally photogenic.

<img src="">
Photo courtesy of Michael Crawford.

I would have agreed with you 6-months-ago. The Enterbay Jack Bauer and David Palmer figures proved me wrong -- they actually seem to look BETTER up close. A couple of the most recent Hot Toys figures seem to be equally photogenic.

<img src="">
Photo courtesy of Michael Crawford.


Yupp, i'd have to agree there. I think even the BR joker up close looks incredible. And the proto pics of Dutch, John Conner, DX Joker and Cop Joker look incredibly lifelike.
cool. i took those photos. found this link when i was looking at my flickr stats. yes, Hot Toys is the contender when it comes to 1/6th scale figures. thanks to the 'professional' compliments - far from it. i'm just a photo enthusiast who takes my hobbies seriously. nevertheless, here are more recent pics from the Batman - TDK series:


more pics here:
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