Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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Looks alright, a bit keith richardy in the face though, old wrinkley looking
A quick 5 minute dig (unusual luck on my side lol) and i found his name is Gabriel Marquez
And YES here is a photo of the painted head. Eh, it's ok, something is lost in the translation, the hair brings it down or something, but it reminds me of jack nicholson. Expression maybe i dunno
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The sculpt got changed, and it looks god awful when it's painted imo. yuck.

thanks for filling us in blakus
All it needs is a few minor adjustments and it looks pretty damn close to accurate imo.

Check it out:



If it were 1/6 scale and modified like my pic (longer, less poofy hair, black eye make-up tighter and less smudged, white make up-up cleaner) I would want one. Great sculpt.
Eh, it looks good, but something is missing. Perhaps it's the application? I think the forehead is also quite overly big. If you apply a more generic bank robber sculpt style paintjob to the actual sculpt, fix the left side of the hair and lower the forehead, i think it looks more heathy
I actually think it looks pretty damn good - and far better with Devil's mods. BUT, when you have talent like Adam, who needs anyone else? Besides, i'm sure if we were to ask this guy to mod his sculpt and make it 1/6, it would come at a cost!
How do you guys remove the barrel on the machine gun? It seems to be quite stuck on there. I feel like I'm going to break it if I keep pulling.
The barrel or the bullet clip? I can't imagine anyone's ever taken the barrel off, it's not supposed to ever be off, it's key part of the weapon working.
In this image you can clearly see the barrel has been taken off. Weird that some people's have been pulled off easily and others seem glued on.

After you suggested it I gave mine a good tug to see if i cud make it come off....but it was really hard and
was pretty much stuck on there - i happen to have two so i gave the second one a good tug as well to see
if it wud come and it didnt - to get it off id have to pull really hard and i mite break it

i think ill leave it

Yeah I've just read the description on the Hot Toys site and it doesn't seem like it's supposed to be removed.
Mine came out no problem. If it wasn't suppose to why is there a bullet in there...


This is an old photo, but is there an opening to see the bullet when it's put together?
Oh, I'm not talking about the magazine, I'm talking about the barrel on the nozzle. I think it's the suppressor.