Bank Robber Joker/New Sculpt - PHOTO Thread

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still think the original BR sculpt looks most like this:

and the slicked hair (apart from the hairpart) like this:

and the DX looks definatly inspired by this:
BR head looks like the interrogation scene, not the mob scene.

yea, you're right. congrats!....and eczamurai, the first and last pic you posted are from the same how can you figure that the br head looks like one while the dx head looks like the other, when his make-up didn't change in that scene..?:confused:
didnt really look at the hair.. they all look a bit off to me, dx being too curly for example. but I see how sculpting his hair must be tough..

I think the DX coulda been more poofy, even BR Joker. But yeah, I don't know how it is to sculpt the hair so :dunno

DX Still looks phenomenal

BR still is a great fig
Hello everyone!!

Humm, i usually post on french threads and it's the first time and the first post on an english one, so i hope that you will accept me among you...

Well, to begin, i made photos of my dark knight collectibles a few days ago,
and here i present to you theses of my Joker Bank Robber:


Sorry but there is too many because i couldn't chose the good ones,
this is the Thumbnails, you just have to click on the picture that you like to see it on full size!

I just hope that i'm in the right thread to display them!