Bank Robber Joker

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Whoa. I don't own any Hot Toys figures, is there any chance the production paint will turn out that good?


And you don't ANY Hot Toys figures? :google

And what scene is the head with the slicked back hair from?

The Bank Robbery scene. His hair as greased back for wearing the mask. This sculpt will also likely make the Bank Robbery Mask easier to put on as well.
This figure is amazing!!...
I hate how HT has been promoting the "double-dip", they've learned that from George Lucas!! :D
I'd love to have this head-sculpt with V1 outfit... what to do...:cool:
Ah crap.

New pix= I MUST HAVE THIS FIGURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like some of my Sideshow stuff is gonna get the axe to make room for this one!

The sculpt is PERFECT, much better than Joker 1.


Just a repaint and it'll look perfect. Anyone got any ideas on this cop suit?

OMG, we agree again! What is this world coming to?!!! :lol

BBi Cop suit should do it, not sure though, have to see more ref shots as that is a NYC or LAPD outfit, GPD may differ, but still looks close enough.
The regular head is totally out of the Mob Boss scene "No I'm not." But with the IR make-up. Looks freaking awesome!

I love the slicked back hair one too! He looks really creepy with the hair slicked back for some reason. His smerk is probably adding to this.

This is defintaly a must have! :drool
I didnt read the whole thread, so excuse me for asking a jackassy question.

This is gonna be a single edition with both heads right? Or no?
Next jackassy question.

Who is Joe? How are his prices? How can I order from him? Do his pieces come before or after Toys2 ships? Is it better to order from him or Toys2?

Okay, so that was 5 jackassy questions. But I would be very appreciative of answers, thnx:)
Joe- Mista035 board member and just send a pm to him for your order

Prices-very good and usually less than toys2 because of the shipping

Gets his orders in just about the same time as Toys2
Thats a f'n nice figure.Much better than the 1st version.
toys2 are in canada? can someone post a link to their web page...i'm to lazy to search.

Might order him.
Originally Posted by oddball AKA Tylerd at SF
shai is an internet gang leader that thinks he is above the rules. and the comment you made to me about my mother may get you banned as well. choose your friends wisely mr. nash.

:lol:lol:lol:lol best sig ever
I'm in awe of this figure. absolutely amazing.... the sculpture on the portrait is undoubtedly some of the FINEST I've seen in 1/6 scale (hell, ANY scale!)...I'm just floored by how great it looks! (both versions are just incredible)

My first hot toys purchase for sure. :D I've been able to resist their other amazing figures, but I think they've hooked me in with this one.

The new pics are breathtaking. I almost don't want to see any more pictures of this guy. I kind of want to wait until I have him in my hands and see him with my own eyes.
Yea, the T100 suit would be better as it has longer sleeves and pants. The BBI version of the suit is much shorter (but has far better accessories).
i cant believe there are this many pages on this thread when it went up last night..haha

cant wait for this figure!..make sure whoever notices that its on on toys2 post like crazy so everyone knows..cause i cant miss out on this one.