I just hope that doesn't mean HT gives up on the Burtonverse. Its visually so much better than Nolan's stuff. Normally that works in a line's favour, to be more 'toyetic', but for whatever reason the opposite seems to be the case here.
I thought of that, but at $570 with free delivery and still the stocks aren't moving tells me that it's beyond that. Sell a tumbler at the same price and it's gone soon. Also, 89 Joker and Batman here are selling at $140-170. So yeah, I think most collectors here are not into Burton Batman.
Uploading this video yesterday made me go down and gaze at the Hot Toys version again last night particularly for the segment at the 3:50 mark...
Thank you Sallah for this great video, specially the segment wich is amazing!
Thats awesome! Never seen this and how cool is Keaton with the cape.
Has many people seen this?
That was awesome
Awesome video...love it
thanks for posting.
Uploading this video yesterday made me go down and gaze at the Hot Toys version again last night particularly for the segment at the 3:50 mark...