How big of a faux pax would it be to pose the upcoming Batman returns with this batmobile? I ain't plucking down 300+ bones for the original.
I don't see a problem with that at all. If I had the Batmobile I'd do the exact same as I'm getting the upcoming Keaton Batman but missed the DX09. The vehicle is the same as far as I know. There were some features used in Batman Returns not seen in the first film but other than that they look the same.How big of a faux pax would it be to pose the upcoming Batman returns with this batmobile? I ain't plucking down 300+ bones for the original.
I don't see a problem with that at all. If I had the Batmobile I'd do the exact same as I'm getting the upcoming Keaton Batman but missed the DX09. The vehicle is the same as far as I know. There were some features used in Batman Returns not seen in the first film but other than that they look the same.
The bigger question to me is how big of a faux paux it would be to display the Batman Returns Batman with a DX08 (don't have it yet but would like to hunt one down). I feel like I want a Nicholson Joker to go with my Keaton Batman. I know there are differences in the suits from the two films but meh I might do it anyways.
Thank you guys!
Concerning the shipping for us i can't tell. It's cheap for europe but it's big so the sing is maybe not the same for America... You should ask them by mail.
I hope i've understood the question.
Yes i've built it. I've received the panels of acrylic in kit. You just have to screw them together. It's very easy.
Exactly, for example i asked a custom acrylic case of 110 cm width, 50 cm deep and 40 cm height and added a black base.
I received all the panels already prepared for screw and i assembled them together. That's all.