Batman: Arkham Asylum

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Played the demo twice so far...

I can't imagine another game capturing the essence of what it's like to be Batman better than this. From what I get from the demo, this one is going to hit all the bases: Rogues Gallery, gadgets, detective work, action, and stealth. :rock
It was good but not OMG it blew my mind away.

Repetative but only a demo so I won't hold that against it.

The graphics are good, not the best out there though.

Bats cape when walking looks pretty lame but it's got decent dynamics when fighting.

Honestly, while my gut feeling tells me that this will overall be a better game than Wolverine, based from the demo I still prefer the viscious combat in the Wolverine game which grabbed me by the throat even in the demo and never let go, always increasing in its intensity where here the combat here seems very PG-13 tamed, soft and like someone already mentioned, repetative.

I don't know, I was slightly bored yet I did feel like finishing the demo.
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Ok, I assume that the Batarang is the only weapon in the demo?

Various times you could break glass, but didnt find any device to use it on....

I found the Riddler Trophy, but no way to view it...

The Joker audio files are gonna be a lot of fun.

As for the running looking lame...dont know if its just me, but it looks fine.

I think the atmosphere in this one is just gonna rock. Harley is looking pretty naughty! :cool:
Batman is disciplined, why wouldn't his run be as controlled as any of his other actions?

Have you seen military personnel running? They are also trained to run a specific way, don't see what was wrong with it.

But yes, as usual the cape looks bad, it's even too small to believe he could actually glide with it. Fun fact, average 6ft person would need a wingspan of about 21ft to fly. Logically, it's reasonable the same could be said about needed that big a wingspan to glide.
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omg come on my freaking demo wont load fast enough, i didnt know it was free either good for the developers.
Just got done playing and i really like it and will be keeping my order for this.

In the last room before the demo ends it's great when you have just one guy left and his status is terrified he's hears a little noise and starts firing the gun i loved just sitting there watching him crap himself! :rotfl

Shame the demo is short and we don't get to fight the big dude though. :(
I paid for the Metal Gear Solid 2 Demo. I had to buy Zone of the Enders to get it lol.

same here man !

I got ZOE for the only reason to play MGS 2 demo.
:lol :lol :lol :lol
ZOE was a great game doh !
all of kojima's games are masterpieces.

ohhh man !! cant stop playing the Batman Demo.
Cant wait till I have the real game.
I didn't even know there was a demo out for this, just shows how much I pay attention. :lol I'll be downloading it for sure. :D