Batman: Arkham Asylum

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8% done !! wooot !

cant wait to play this game.
friend of mine just finished the demo and he says its super bad ass!

Its really short but makes you feel like the ultimate stealth hunter.

I hope they make a PREDATOR game like this.

Cant wait to play this demo.
Am on my second playthrough now, is more highlights from an early part of the game. Gives you a taster of freeflow combat which works brilliantly.

Using the grappling gun to sneak around the area until you can take out Zsasz without him realising you're there (he's holding an arkham security guard in an electroshock chair)

Then it jumps to another area where there's about 7/8 guys in a large multi-tiered room and the aim is to take them all out. Mainly by using the gargoyles around the ledges.

It ends on a cliffhanger where it's jumped to you catching up to the Joker and he releases an unnamed inmate on you. It may be there version of Amygdala but I'm not sure there.

You get to view a couple of ingame trophies, and unlock a few character profiles. The Jokers has a couple of recordings from his therapy sessions where he jerks around the psychologist working on him.

Only downside so far is the lip-synch is a tiny bit off. Aside from that it's amazing, beautifully smooth, looks gorgeous the combat flows brilliantly especially taking on multiple opponents who surround you. Plus the counter animations look great and sufficiently brutal without being fatal.

Plus if you die you get the joker looking down at you against a black background where he makes one of several quips.

Had it on pre-order anyway but after playing the demo I'm completely sold so far this is completely deserving of the hype and I can't wait to be able to get to a stage where I can play with gadgets.
Have fun :D

Just did my third run through, there's a Riddler Trophy hidden in Zsasz's Cell.

If you press R2 when aiming the Batarang the camera tracks with it towards the target. Plus they can be used to distract an opponents attention.

The inverted Take Downs are very cool when you hang underneath the Gargoyle, just wait until they pass right under you and it'll give you the option.

If you press R3 you'll zoom in.

Has anyone found out how to break the glass in the last room yet ?
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OMG ! this game will rock !
The demo is just amazing !
Graphics are so smoth and all the character models are WOW !
its so great to hear all the voice cast from the animated series (1992)
Kevin conroy rocks as Batman!
Mark hamil as the joker again. perfect !
Its so awsome how you can sneak arround and take all the bad guys out with out them knowing what hit them.

The combat system is just fenomenal!

This is a must get for me.
Thought it was just me being a dunce not being able to figure out how to break the glass. Glad others noticed this too. I tried throwing batarangs, jumping on it, nothing works. I'm just playing through my second time, if anyone figures out how to break it then do please share.
Only bad thing about this demo is its making the wait for the actual game even more unbearable. haha
Thought it was just me being a dunce not being able to figure out how to break the glass. Glad others noticed this too. I tried throwing batarangs, jumping on it, nothing works. I'm just playing through my second time, if anyone figures out how to break it then do please share.
Only bad thing about this demo is its making the wait for the actual game even more unbearable. haha
Just have to say,
did anyone play the Batman Begins game? This reminds me a lot of that. Justa hell of a lot better. With the whole stealth mode etc.

Whoa, sorry dunno what happened there and why my post came out like this. Didnt mean to post like three times.

Just an update for anyone wondering, i found out how to break the glass in the last room. You have to wait till there's someone under you and then take him down. Basically you crash through the glass and take him out. Pretty slick.
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Just an update for anyone wondering, i found out how to break the glass in the last room. You have to wait till there's someone under you and then take him down. Basically you crash through the glass and take him out. Pretty slick.

Ahh sweet will have to give that a try, has anyone else found any other secrets yet ?

Did see what looks like vents that you'll be able to use later in the game. Did try and see if you could use the grapnel to snare enemies like in the trailer but no joy yet
Yeah i noticed the vents too. Tried throwing batarangs at em but to no avail. I'm guessing they'll be used later in the game though.
Am so psyched for this to come out now, really get the feeling that this'll live up to the hype and make me want to play through it a few times.

The random patrol patterns will definetly help, the demo left me hungry to have some more people to batter so I could play with the combat system