Batman: Arkham Asylum

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Thanks for the analysis and summary, Nocturne! UPS says my PS3 should be back tomorrow, can't wait to play it! :maul
I know man, thats what i thought would really make the demo....replayable, not that thats a real word. But you get what i mean, you can keep playing the demo and it'll be slightly different. Lots of fun. The next few weeks are gonna be unbearable. Haha.
For those who don't know.

You need to make a new account on the Playstation itself with the relevent UK details in the UK, then make an online account with a UK address as well.

Any address in the UK will do, no one's checking :lol

Thanks for the analysis and summary, Nocturne! UPS says my PS3 should be back tomorrow, can't wait to play it! :maul

No probs :)

Will keep my fingers crossed that it arrives for you, this game is seriously going to be something else. There's some nice touches as well as when the Jokers talking to a guy in the same room via camera if you attack the guy while they're talking the Joker will immediately address you or you can let him finish batter the guy and he'll say it then. The changing over on the fly is just a really nice little feature.
Love the demo on the whole.

The graphics, voice acting and dark and grim feel of the game are all brilliant! The combat system is as good as you're gonna get, really. Although it could feel a little heavier, as in making you feel the impact of Batmans knockout blows. But the way batman leaps from person to person, taking them all out in 1 giant combo is great.

Someone mentioned on a previous page that it plays a lot like batman begins on the older consoles. That's bang on. It does. It put me in mind of Begins the most when you are perched high up in the rooms, taking out enemies silently from above. It's just like it.

So as good as the gameplay is, it's definitely not anything we've never seen before. Nothing really blew me away about the gameplay. I reckon this is where reviewers might knock the score down. What did blow me away about the demo was everything else! The graphics, feel, characters, etc.

So yeah, I love it. 10/10. There's nothing wrong with the gameplay, just seen it all before.
Yeah, that was me who mentioned about batman begins. As soon as i saw clips of this game it reminded me of begins. It almost seems like that was like a test subject for this one. lol So yeah you're right, this isn't really a totally new concept with all the stealth attacks and hiding above people and the cape gliding and stuff. Its just a much smoother, graphically better version. Still love it tho. Cant wait for the full game.
Ok, got done with my first playthrough, and overall I am impressed very, very much. Combat, while not complicated - is very decent and easy to learn. It feels intuitive enough. Character models look very good, aside from the occasionall rough looking thug....

Considering i've preordered/paid for the game already, this is a DAY ONE purchase for me!
just finished the demo. Pretty awesome. I felt trapped though as always with a demo . I can never relax with them knowing its going to finish any second. :lol
I am hoping that the level design will keep it from feeling too repetitive in the final game.....

thats what I thought. The level they put you on is obviously the first or a very early part of the game so I would expect it to not be too flashy at that point anyway. Some of the videos on youtube outside and stuff looked alot more action packed so to speak. :D