Batman: Arkham Asylum

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So far, the only thing I'm not loving is that when the suit gets battle damaged, it seems to stay that way for the rest of the game. Am I missing something, or is there a way to reset the suit back to default? :confused:

I think that is actually kinda cool! It lets you know that you have been in some ^^^^! :rock
it makes sense too from what i understand because you are only in the asylum right?

So far that is my understanding. However, I have only played for maybe 30 minutes. I have been so stressed at work that this game hasn't sucked me in yet like Shadow Complex did.
Wrong, I think Shadow Complex is the front runner IMO. This game is like every other game mixed together. It is not a bad thing. I like this game. But I feel like I have played it. Shadow Complex felt new and fresh even though it is a retro style game. I guess I haven't played a game like that in a while. This game feels like Splinter Cell, mixed with Riddick, and some Bioshock mixed in. That's not a bad thing. I just have played them more recently.

Really? I've been hearing a lot of great things about SC. I'll have to download it later.
So far, the only thing I'm not loving is that when the suit gets battle damaged, it seems to stay that way for the rest of the game. Am I missing something, or is there a way to reset the suit back to default? :confused:

it makes sense too from what i understand because you are only in the asylum right?
He has access to a batcave, but it does make it cooler that his suit stays damaged. Also makes sense considering the way Joker is executing his plans leaves hardly any time for Bruce to change suits.
I like that the suit gets damaged. It really drives home the point that Batman is having one hell of a night.
Where the hell is the postman with my frigging game? he better not be playing it! Grrrrrrr :lol

The wait is killing me it better come today. :(
this game rocks!!! i'm getting ready for the end battle, but decided to run around the island and find all of the riddles.

Are the riddles hard to find? i was just watching someone play (not got mine yet :mad: ) and when they went to the map i saw loads of ? moving on the map are they joker teeth? if so that part of collecting will be easy.
just finished far on my first playthrough on easy i unlocked all the character bios except for one, and 225 out of 240 of the riddles. darn it now i'll have to play through again on hard to unlock the others.
Are the riddles hard to find? i was just watching someone play (not got mine yet :mad: ) and when they went to the map i saw loads of ? moving on the map are they joker teeth? if so that part of collecting will be easy.

some of them are a little frustrating to find, but then you have to remember that you have to progress through the game and unlock certain gadgets to get to them. my problem is that i just don't remember which ones i need to find and where.
some of them are a little frustrating to find, but then you have to remember that you have to progress through the game and unlock certain gadgets to get to them. my problem is that i just don't remember which ones i need to find and where.

Ah right cheers for the reply. :)
The only other game I can think of that was this hard on the hardest setting was Ninja Gaiden for the 1st Xbox. It's only certain fights though, so up until then it's just challenging, then when you get to those fights it's freaking frustrating.
The only other game I can think of that was this hard on the hardest setting was Ninja Gaiden for the 1st Xbox. It's only certain fights though, so up until then it's just challenging, then when you get to those fights it's freaking frustrating.

That's the reason i always play normal first to enjoy the game then play hard. I remember how mad i got getting 1000/1000 on COD 2 & Modern warfare. :mad: :lol
That's the reason i always play normal first to enjoy the game then play hard. I remember how mad i got getting 1000/1000 on COD 2 & Modern warfare. :mad: :lol

I still have to finish cod 3 on hardcore. i got stuck on one of the last boards and lost my patience after about 3 months. lol