Batman: Arkham Asylum

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Even though Ive done absolutely everything and got all the trophies, I am going to start another playthrough now :D
Some AA news:
-The Joker will NEVER be on xbox 360
-New 360/PS3 challenge map on Sept. 17th for FREE!
-New PS3 challenge map on Sept. 24th for Free.
-Yes, there will be a sequel and 'no comment" with a smile on Robin...
Some AA news:
-The Joker will NEVER be on xbox 360
-New 360/PS3 challenge map on Sept. 17th for FREE!
-New PS3 challenge map on Sept. 24th for Free.
-Yes, there will be a sequel and 'no comment" with a smile on Robin...

Linky? :D
i just put the disc in for the first time...see you all in a week
I just finished the game the other day and I absolutely loved it!! I might go back and get some more riddles but I doubt I'll get them all before I have to send it back to Gamefly for the next game coming out. Fantastic game though and I'm so glad I played it. Now bring on the sequel!! :rock :D
almost finished with my 2nd playthrough on Hard. this game is just awesome as heck.

I think co-op would be pretty cool if done right. For the sequel they could have you team up as Batman and Robin/Nightwing and have branching paths as you have to run through Gotham trying to track down Two Face and his thugs and then have the Riddler escape the police and then one of you has to go after him.
Just got to the batcave for the 2nd time. I'm nearly done with the story now, so i'm looking forward to all the challenges that await me! :D

Awesome game, truly one of the finest ever.
truly one of the finest ever.

You know, after beating the game and thinking back on it, I would say this is a hugely overblown statement (and no offense to anyone is intended). Yes, it's an AMAZING Batman and comic book-based game (not to mention because many of the voice actors from the epic cartoon series are voicing their respective characters), but I feel these opinions seem to be clouding everyone's judgment regarding the overall ranking of the game.

and for anyone who hasn't beat the game yet, SPOILERS BELOW!!!

The gameplay is great, yes, but even though they tried to vary things up, the normal fights (not the various stealth missions) did feel a bit repetitive. Some parts really dragged when going from point A to point B. And the biggest issue was that the weak boss battles really hurt the overall impact for me. Sure, in reality, Bats would be able to beat villains like Harley and the Joker in a one-on-one fight, but the developers could have put some thought into boss encounters instead of giving us the "throw all the goons at Bats" battles.

Here are some potentially better boss battles off the top of my head (Bane and Ivy were ok for what they were):

1) Make Harley all acrobatic and ridiculously difficult to catch, with her using the environment to mess Bats up
2) Let us actually fight the giant Scarecrow, who would actively use fear toxin to mess with Bats' senses during the battle (multiple giant Scarecrows, methinks?), instead of just having us pointing lights at him
3) give us a one-on-one Croc fight (he can take the beating), maybe inserted intermittently during the sewer spore hunt to really freak players out, rather than just have us throw batarangs all day?
4) and actually have the Joker fight Batman in his normal form [with all his PS3 exclusive attacks] and then give us a huge epic battle with the transformed Mr. J... REALLY make him menacing... have him use the environment, give him weapons, make him physically harm Gordon to add in another element of danger, etc.

Maybe I'm just being too nitpicky, and I admit it's a very good game, but I feel we're putting it on too high a pedestal. =(

*ends rant and raises shields to protect self from backlash*
I am enjoying the game so far..i dont know if its the best game i have played all year, but its on the does seem very repetitive to me.
MooMoo, I probabaly agree with most things you said and can relate to the other points, but I still stick by my original statement that it's one of the best ever, taking everything into account.

Every game has flaws, Arkham Asylum's major(s) flaw for me is the combat and boss battles, everything else is mind blowing imo, the visuals, sound, voice acting, graphics, presentation. Everything. It's epic how you actually feel like batman when playing it. The best thing for me is the interaction with the Joker, you really feel like batman battling his oldest foe. You get a real sense of a long history between the two.

I do know a few people who just dismiss the game because its so easy to fight the arkham inmates and bosses, but they don't strike me as people who like games for the little things, stuff like what I mentioned above, the graphics, voice acting etc. So for some one like me who loves the little things in games, it's perfect.

Another good thing for me is the fact I wasn't even a batman fan outside of the Nolan and Keaton movies before this game, now i'm totally hooked on comic book Bats.
Another good thing for me is the fact I wasn't even a batman fan outside of the Nolan and Keaton movies before this game, now i'm totally hooked on comic book Bats.
Same with me. I've always loved Batman,but this just sent my geekdom over the edge. My GF made fun of me while on my first play through because I was like "Awesome!!! Do you know who that is???" (Referring to the Dr. Eliot on the surgery roster, and the Long Halloween references."

~~For me this game is total awesome because of all the standard gameplay stuff, but also because of the fine details with the character references that don't stand out to the normal people who don't follow the comic books. They made a great game for the general audiences, but at the same time made an AMAZING game for the die-hard Batman fans.
Too easy?
Remember who youre playing, The friggin Batman!!
He doesnt lose!
They might dirty him up but The Bat will take em down hard.
The fights play out about as difficult as Id imagine they would for a hero of Batmans training and calibur.