Batman: Arkham Asylum

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- You're going to see and get to fight against all the big super villains. Seen so far. Joker, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, Zsasz, Penguin, Riddler, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze and others the magazine doesn't want to spoil.

I know this post is from ages ago but I just had to point out the misinformation these magazines peddle all the time, "others the magazine doesn't want to spoil." They've just named all the major enemies on the assumption they'd be in the game! Most of the charactors you do meet in the game were not announced until shortly before its release and these guys have even named 2 that are not featured at all! Aside from references! Grr...
Don't remember that what happened there?

The reason this grates on me so much is that after GTA 4 came out I just happened to re-read a preview from several months beforehand and almost everything in it was just things they had seen in trailers (which were made using cut scenes) and then stated as actual gameplay. Hanging from helicopters, being able to climb to the top of any building, that kind of stuff. Grrr again! :)
I almost forgot, this game was fantastic! The only problems were it was slightly too easy on normal, I'm gonna play through it again on hard, and also the riddler maps took the fun out of trying to figure out the riddles! Don't understand why they did that! I'd have preferred real riddles to figure out rather than just character references too. Also the collectors edition Batarang is pretty lame I had to paint the Blades silver just to give it a little bit of life, still not great though...
Man its a great year to be a gamer. There is some serious competition for game of the year.....Batman: AA, Uncharted 2, Halo ODST, and Modern Warfare 2 make this a really tough decision.
Man its a great year to be a gamer. There is some serious competition for game of the year.....Batman: AA, Uncharted 2, Halo ODST, and Modern Warfare 2 make this a really tough decision.

Thats true but realistically if any of those games win game of the year its a bad thing for games in general, only one of them is not a sequel, and while its an unbelievable game, its hardly the greatest game of all time. We need new games!!!!! And we REALLY need people to buy them, Dead Space, Left 4 Dead, both better than any of the above games and both sold less because of name recognition. I'm not knocking any of the games you mentioned (aside from cod which I hate because I can't stand campers) I'm just saying other games deserve recognition too.
Well that's down to the game's marketing departments more than gamers themselves. Sequels and licensed properties have built in audiences that attract attention naturally.
Thats true but realistically if any of those games win game of the year its a bad thing for games in general, only one of them is not a sequel, and while its an unbelievable game, its hardly the greatest game of all time. We need new games!!!!! And we REALLY need people to buy them, Dead Space, Left 4 Dead, both better than any of the above games and both sold less because of name recognition. I'm not knocking any of the games you mentioned (aside from cod which I hate because I can't stand campers) I'm just saying other games deserve recognition too.

I disagree. Just because a game is a sequel doesn't mean it can't be considered for game of the year. Of the games I listed the developers worked on all of the problems the originals had and improved them for the sequels. Batman is an incredible game in every aspect, even for a comic book inspired game. The creators did the right thing in making it approachable for everyone including the nerds in all of us. My 8 y/o cousin got this game last week for his B-day and he's called me 3 times to tell me how much he loves this game. I can tell you he has no clue about half of the clever book hints.

Dead Space is the only game you listed that I find worthy of a game of the year nod. Left 4 Dead was a great game, but after 3 months I forgot about it and none of the people I played with online still had the game. Valve was already working on the sequel and announced it for release 6 months later. Nothing against the game, but the levels were so short it was almost like Valve half arsed it and were planning for the sequel before they finished the first one.
Speaking in Issue 38 of Official Playstation Magazine (out now), Sefton Hill replied to the question of whether gamers would see a sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum by saying this:

‘I’m not really allowed to comment on that, but there are definitely lots of exciting stories to tell in Batman’s world, and I can say that we’re really privileged to work on it, and excited about future possibilities.’

This should be game of the year, Left For Dead..i never liked this game, your character moves too fast and it was just boring,I like Dead Rising more, when it comes to Zombie games.
Nah, MW2 will win, but Batman is great too. No Mp hurts a bit. If the sequel can open up gameplay like a GTA it'll be goty no problem.
Speaking in Issue 38 of Official Playstation Magazine (out now), Sefton Hill replied to the question of whether gamers would see a sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum by saying this:

‘I’m not really allowed to comment on that, but there are definitely lots of exciting stories to tell in Batman’s world, and I can say that we’re really privileged to work on it, and excited about future possibilities.’


I would love to see the developers of this game make a Batman Begins movie based game with the same structure and gameplay. I love the Nolan universe and translated into a video game done right, it would be great.

As for game of the year....I say yes that 'Batman: Arkham Asylum' should get it. MW2 was nothing new, we knew what to expect and it was no big surprise. But AA on the other hand was a new game and is surprised most people with just how good and successful it was. I had more fun playing AA than I did MW2.
Yes, not to mention Batman: AA has many different elements to game play taken from many other good games where CODMW is the same old thing, still a good game but..i think AA should be crowned king this time.
This should be game of the year, Left For Dead..i never liked this game, your character moves too fast and it was just boring,I like Dead Rising more, when it comes to Zombie games.

:lecture :lecture Even though Left 4 Dead is amazingly fun when you play with actual people you know. I usually played with my brother, best friend, his GF's brother and we had the best time online since the old Castle Wolfenstein days.