Batman: Arkham Asylum

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That is a sweet CE. It's the usual useless junk that doesn't add anything to the game but it is awesome useless junk. I'll be getting one for sure.
Pics of the Limited edition went up on today



Price is $100 and will include:

  • a 14" replica Batarang modeled after the weapon from the game;
  • An Arkham doctor's 48-page, leather-jacketed journal detailing some of the Asylum's more criminally insane residents;
  • Behind the scenes DVD; and
  • A code to download the exclusive "Crime Alley" challenge map.

Oh yeah, I'm going to get a CE for sure.
Apparently there are demo's available to play at best buy or gamestop. Keep hearing great things about this game. Also I may add that Harley looks stunning from the pic I've seen.
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I really hope this game is good... but I don't want to pick up the CE if the game is a POS. Anyone play the demo yet?

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WOW looks like the Animation team dropped the ball there... How blocky was the animation there?

As a video game animation student, I've got say that better be a beta animation clip! Because so far that is the worst animation I've seen for this game!

Looks like they went the Schumacher route with Bane.


Schumacher route!? That looks nothing like the Schumacher version of Bane. Bane's a monster, he's beaten skinny and wasting away in Arkham since Bats kicked his ass...but Joker pumps him full of venom again and he goes nuts and looks sweet as hell.
Doesn't look like the Schumacher version no, but certainly acts like him. I just think it's a shame one of Batman's most intelligent villains is once again reduced to a mindless hulking monster.
Doesn't look like the Schumacher version no, but certainly acts like him. I just think it's a shame one of Batman's most intelligent villains is once again reduced to a mindless hulking monster.

Sad and True. Isn't Amygdala in the game? So now we have two huge characters with the same persona and both happen to be hulking monsters. Now that I think about it...
Actually, 3, since I read Killer Croc is gonna be huge.
Schumacher route!? That looks nothing like the Schumacher version of Bane. Bane's a monster, he's beaten skinny and wasting away in Arkham since Bats kicked his ass...but Joker pumps him full of venom again and he goes nuts and looks sweet as hell.

no way he looked like that stupid bane from the worst batman movie ever created.


I am really looking forward to play this game.
looks amazing ! and that collectors eddition looks bad ass!
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OMG !! thats so sick !
that is so awsome that they are using all the voice overs from the animated series.

I am so getting this game.
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OMG !! thats so sick !
that is so awsome that they are using all the voice overs from the animated series.


Stripperella.. is that you? ;)

Schumacher route!? That looks nothing like the Schumacher version of Bane. Bane's a monster, he's beaten skinny and wasting away in Arkham since Bats kicked his ass...but Joker pumps him full of venom again and he goes nuts and looks sweet as hell.

No, it looks exactly like Schumker's bane. From the 4 foot skinny dwarf, to a dumbified Hulking Monster. It looks as if the scene was ripped right from the movie.