Batman: Arkham Asylum

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that's a pretty cool CE of the game. but that's a lot of money for a game i might not completely like. i think i'll rent it first then decide if i really want to buy it or not. hopefully this game will be good enough to keep me coming back for more.
I was at Walmart earlier today and they Had this up as a Demo on thier PS3 system. Maybe it was the game mode that it was on, "Challenge mode", but I gotta say it was pretty boring. Hopefully Story mode is better.

I wonder if we will be able to download demo soon on our consoles?
Played the demo today as well. Gotta say, it does play a lot like the WATCHMEN game, which can get boring really fast. I hope it was just the demo and the the complete game offers much more meat.
I was thinking the same thing about that it felt like the Watchmen demo. Hopefully the other parts of the game like being stealthy and solving puzzles will make it more interesting. Wish they could of showcased that in thier demo.
That is not good to hear ^

New trailer:
<embed src='' flashvars='object_ID=14273491&downloadURL="all%"' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='433' height='360'></embed><div style='width:433;'><a href=''>More Batman: Arkham Asylum Info</a></div>
been wanting to try out the demo again since the last i tried it. But hearing others saying that it was to similar to the watchmen game Im not gonna bother. Was hoping before that it was just the small but i played while at work, but guess not.
i really hope it doesnt turn out anything like the watchmen game which kinda sucked because the graphics on this game look killer and i'd be a shame........then again pretty graphics arent everything.
I just reserved it today, so it had better not be like Watchmen! *shakes fist*

I haven't played the demo, and while the fighting might be like Watchmen, I think there are more elements to this game than just brawling. For instance, at Gamestop, there was a video playing showing how the game is played and it showed a lot of stealth and planning instead of just straight brawling. Batman was up on the ceiling looking for the right place to drop undetected while scouting for weaknesses in the baddies. Looked quite good to me.

Also, Gamestop has an exclusive "In-Game Villain Challenge Map", whatever that is.
I just reserved it today, so it had better not be like Watchmen! *shakes fist*

I haven't played the demo, and while the fighting might be like Watchmen, I think there are more elements to this game than just brawling. For instance, at Gamestop, there was a video playing showing how the game is played and it showed a lot of stealth and planning instead of just straight brawling. Batman was up on the ceiling looking for the right place to drop undetected while scouting for weaknesses in the baddies. Looked quite good to me.

Also, Gamestop has an exclusive "In-Game Villain Challenge Map", whatever that is.

Too bad the demo, only lets you play the fighting challenge mode (Or what ever it is called). So you dont get a sense of what the gameplay will be like (aside from fighting ofcourse). BTW, if you order the Limited ed. version of the game at Gamestop you get a silver 12" Batarang.
omg !!

I cant wait to see this game in action !

I am so pumped !

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I hope this is the actual soundtrack for the game !

Big freaking "uh oh." Hopefully not true.

It could be a good thing for Eidos. The current release date is dangerously close to Ghostbusters. So, from a business perspective, I totally understand.

However, if the game isn't done or if they are changing things based on feedback from the demo, then yeah, uh oh.