Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Re: Batman: Arkham City

Some of those sequences looked a little too Spider-Man-ish, the dive bomb to glide to grapple to glide to dive bomb, or whatever that part was.

I'm sure there's precedence for Batman swinging through Gotham with his grapple gun, but it just didn't feel like it fit.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

It adds poo to the atmosphere. "This ain't no place for a hero" or whatever? That is literally describing the game (which is too obvious and stupid) and the song is like weird alt rock, I can't hear anything "Batman" in it and it's very odd to see him gliding around and beating up people to its tune. Give me some hard rock to set the mood of the game to.

Would you rather hear kiss from a rose ?
Re: Batman: Arkham City

They just released some screen caps featuring The Riddler! He looks really cool and the picture with all the tv screens looks awesome! Can't wait for this game!!
Re: Batman: Arkham City

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Re: Batman: Arkham City

Ahaha^ That would have been a kickass song to put to the trailer.

My God, Kiss From a Rose came from one of the Schumacher Batman soundtracks didn't it? For shame.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Rocksteady Game Director, Sefton Hill lays out the structure of Batman: Arkham City

Hi all,

SarahMay has asked me to put down a few words about the game�s structure and play time as there are a lot of questions out there about this.

Batman: Arkham City�s story mode was designed to be BOTH story driven while remaining open world as we felt there was a really interesting space in between the two types of play. There is a main storyline (don�t worry � no spoilers here!) which will take around 12-15 hours to complete, but this is less than half of the game.

In addition to this there are the new Arkham City Missions. These tell the story of what happens when Gotham�s most notorious super villains are locked up together. These run concurrently to the main story and can be tackled whenever you find them in the city streets. Some of my favourite moments are in these missions, including tracking down a deranged serial killer, solving a murder mystery, forming an alliance with a one-time villain and confronting the Riddler as he attempts to prove once and for all he is better than Batman.

We�ve probably spent as much time creating the Arkham City Missions, and bringing the world to life, as we have on the main storyline and I think the choice of what to solve and where to go at any time gives the game a unique feeling.

Then of course there are the riddles and secrets to solve. We�ve had great fun adding these to streets of Arkham City. Our goal was always to create the most interesting and richly detailed open world game ever, and these make it rewarding to explore every square inch of the city. And Riddler has definitely raised his game this time. It won�t just be a simple case of finding the secrets. Nearly every secret requires you to use your gadgets in inventive and interesting ways.

Completing all of these will take around another 12-15 hours of play bringing the story mode time up to around 25-30 hours.

All that and I haven�t even got on to the new, upgraded challenge mode�

We�re currently all working like crazy to polish Arkham City as much as possible and I can�t wait until you all get to play it.

Speak to you soon,

Re: Batman: Arkham City

Good to hear the challenge mode is back! I'm really psyched for the side-missions in this game now - think I need to book a week off work in October!!:lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Not sure if anyone posted this yet but its shows a bunch of things that I MISSED when I watched the trailer. Like black mask and the flying graysons poster. Plus they talk about a bunch of the mechanics in the game like gliding and such. Let me know what you think


<object id="vid_4d8002553831c80d1300043c" class="ign-videoplayer" width="480" height="270" data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><param name="flashvars" value="url="/></object><div style="width:480px"><a href="">More Batman: Arkham City Videos</a></div>
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