Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Re: Batman: Arkham City

I tend to take my time playing through a game as well. Alot of times I won't let myself finish the game until I complete all the side games and such. I think I took a week or so to beat Arkham Asylum.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Cant wait for the game to come out. First one was hands down the best batman game ever made. Just cant wait. Does anyone have a date for release?? thanks

Re: Batman: Arkham City

Any PC gamers of BAA here?

I really loved this game and I spent money to upgrade my comp just to play this game in full glory.

And it was a major pain to get it to run. Huge. And the game crashed on me TWICE and I had to redo 13+ hrs of game play. Then I had to start backing up my savegames to protect me from that happening again.

Many PC users had this problem. I really hope this won't be an issue with BAC.


You should have asked in the AA thread but yes I have been playing through it again on my PC in 3d with no issues so far
Re: Batman: Arkham City


<object id="vid_4d7eb4213831c8383500020d" class="ign-videoplayer" width="480" height="270" data="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><param name="flashvars" value="url="/></object><div style="width:480px"><a href="">More Batman: Arkham City Videos</a></div>
Re: Batman: Arkham City

That trailer would have been really cool if not for that stupid song that played during it. Not that it was a bad song but it just didn't strike me as very "Batman".
Re: Batman: Arkham City

So I dunno who else caught it, but it looks like the Batsignal will be used to show your objectives, in other words it seems in always projected above the next group you want to take out or next place you need to get to.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

That trailer would have been really cool if not for that stupid song that played during it. Not that it was a bad song but it just didn't strike me as very "Batman".

How dare ye! But nah, I get ya as isn't very "Batman", still it works for me. To each their own.

Oh and Harleen never looked better.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I think the use of The Heavy song makes for a good trailer. Doesn't mean I want it in the game itself, but for a trailer, I enjoyed the mood.

Awesome trailer by the way. Can't stop watching. Harvey Two-Face looks and sounds perfect.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Can't wait for this. Love the first game - been playing it again the last couple weeks. So much win. :D
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Maybe someone expert can answer me this, but Harley doesn't sound quite the same. Has the actress been recast by any chance or am I imagining things?
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Maybe someone expert can answer me this, but Harley doesn't sound quite the same. Has the actress been recast by any chance or am I imagining things?

Just checked IMDb - same actress for Harley. Her name is Arleen Sorkin.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

awesome trailer. totally stoked to get this one.