Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Re: Batman: Arkham City

^ Interesting controller, but in my experiences with 3rd party controllers they always suck. I can't say that I've tried them all, but all the ones I bought just fell short of the quality than the "name" brand gets you.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

^ Interesting controller, but in my experiences with 3rd party controllers they always suck. I can't say that I've tried them all, but all the ones I bought just fell short of the quality than the "name" brand gets you.

that's generally my experience also, but the previous power A 360 style PS controller got good reviews and the price is decent bundled with AC. And it looks much better than the wired 360 Batman controller.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Well, I think I'm gonna give up on hoping for a steel-book in the US and just pre-order the regular edition.:gah:
Re: Batman: Arkham City

No it will probably be delayed by international shipping. I have the Australian version and the regular U.S. version on order, but will give the U.S. game to my brother once the Steelbook arrives. If you can get both, and just sell the regular on Ebay. I'm sure you'll get more from there than you would at Gamestop.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Yeah I've been flip-flopping about which to get.

I had planned on the Collector's, until it's slowly dawning on me that I don't really want most of the stuff. The statue is nice, but I could do without it. How tall is it anyway? Judging from the scale of it fitting a disc beneath it, I figured 5-6".

I'll probably go with the Walmart deal, since I wouldn't mind AA:GOTY. I can give my brother my copy of the normal AA. I don't really care about the steelbook, since my cases don't get seen anyway.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I would have jumped on the CE if it came with a case. I just like adding to the collection of 40+ games.

I want that Joker steelbook though. Might have to import.