Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

So I should end up with the Joker Challange Map, Animated Series Skin, Sinestro Skin (have blu on order), and the stuff that comes with the CE. Not a bad haul.


I don't know which one to go with :monkey2

well, Best Buy has the most in game stuff (new character + 2 additional skins + 2 challenge maps) but everything will be DLC at some point. The amazon comic will also be included in the Arkham City hardcover compilation. Only the TRU figure won't be available elsewhere. I went with the Walmart deal (which also has free shipping) because I sold my original AA game and later wished I had it to play again. 2 awesome Batman games for $50 is a great deal.

I'm glad the US doesn't have any of these steel books because it would make the decision a lot more difficult.
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Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

What's the verdict for UK freaks? Where to get this??
Should you want the CE, is the best place, because it's the only one that offers both the regular and the CE with a bonus (1970's skin). GAME have Robin with the standard edition, and GameStop have the Beyond skin.

I think that's it.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

I'm sure I remember seeing an exclusive in gamestation too, I did think it was the Robin playable character but now i'm not so sure! It was definitely something though.

Ideally i'd like to get the Collector's edition with the Robin character
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

In a recent interview Rocksteady said they'd like to tackle Superman next.
I'd love to see that especially if it has the Fleischer serials look to it.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Do you have to preorder with Bestbuy to get the stuff or can you just show up the day it releases and get the extras as well?
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

With most places, they are a pre-order only bonus. But it might be packed with the game itself since I doubt they would print out a list of like 6 codes when you check out.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Year 1 skin with Year 1 movie makes sense.

You think the Earth 1 and Beyond skins will turn out to be foreign exclusives? I image they could add them to Target or Walmart purchases possibly as they did with the Animated Batman and Animated Robin skins to Gamestop and Bestbuy, or they could be straight up DLC at launch in the US. :dunno

here's a list with overseas retailers as well:

I really hope everybody can get all the skins....I would buy them ALL !!!! But I seriously doubt that will happen
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Do you have to preorder with Bestbuy to get the stuff or can you just show up the day it releases and get the extras as well?

I remember when arkham asylum came out, i went to gamestop and purchased the game, and i got the scarecrow challenege map, and i didn't even preorder it. I also got $10 off so that was a bonus too.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

In a recent interview Rocksteady said they'd like to tackle Superman next.
I'd love to see that especially if it has the Fleischer serials look to it.

Don't waste your time on a second rate hereo Rocksteady :thwak

Stick with Batman. Batman works. It makes no sense for Superman to upgrade his powers and such during a game. Is it going to get extra sunny as you progess through the game? :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Lol. Or we can fly thru circles again.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Don't waste your time on a second rate hereo Rocksteady :thwak

Stick with Batman. Batman works. It makes no sense for Superman to upgrade his powers and such during a game. Is it going to get extra sunny as you progess through the game? :lol

:mad: You better be GLAD Rocksteady can't make a Spiderman game. :lecture It would be great for Rocksteady to be able to make games for the two biggest (AND BEST) Superheroes from both companies. Then again, There's no guarantee Rocksteady can make a good Spiderman game since his style is harder to translate into games correctly.
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Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Spidey would be great from Rocksteady. He's light hearted and funny though, a polar opposite of Batman, so I'm not sure they would do him right. He is the second best superhero ever though and certainly Marvel's #1 like Batman is DC's.

Batman > Spider-man > Everyone else

Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Rocksteady has no interest in superman :lol

Go to 4:22 and 2:28

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Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Spidey would be great from Rocksteady. He's light hearted and funny though, a polar opposite of Batman, so I'm not sure they would do him right. He is the second best superhero ever though and certainly Marvel's #1 like Batman is DC's.

Batman > Spider-man > Everyone else


:exactly: I'd love to see them tackle a Spidey game. One of my favourite superhero's but from what i've seen the other games have never been too fantastic. Admittedly i never played the last few but i heard they were certainly not brilliant. So it'd be exciting to get a Spider-man game of Arkham's quality.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Spidey would be great from Rocksteady. He's light hearted and funny though, a polar opposite of Batman, so I'm not sure they would do him right. He is the second best superhero ever though and certainly Marvel's #1 like Batman is DC's.

Batman > Spider-man > Everyone else

Here. let me fix that for you
Despite this being a Batman thread...

Spiderman > Batman > Everyone else :lol:lecture:wink1:

You know what, screw it. Batman cannot be placed above Spiderman, and Spiderman cannot be placed above Batman. They have to remain as #1 duo spot takers. They're a team that can never be, yet actually are... :panic::slap:gah:
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

As much as I like Spidey, and I really do, Batman has him beat. I mean, come on, Batman has a contingency plan in place in case any member of the League goes rouge. Batman knows how to and is willing to take out his teammates, partners, and friends. You can't say the same about Spidey. He's all "great power... great responsibility" and Batman is like "great power... great threat" :lol
Spidey is too trusting and Batman doesn't trust anybody, except maybe Alfred. I can go on, but thats not the point.

Back on topic, I seriously hope Rocksteady continues with Batman and lets somebody else take on Superman, Spider-man, etc in the same manner they handled Batman. They get Batman, I'm not sure they would 'get' Superman or anyone else as well as they did Bats. Let someone who is a big fan of that hero make a great game for that hero. I mean you wouldn't want the Call of Duty guys making a Batman game afterall.

But I am curious to see where Rocksteady takes Batman next. I don't think they really can do another Arkham game. They can only do that so many times without it feeling like the same thing. AC is totally different from AA so that works, but I'm not sure how they could get 'bigger' than AC now. Arkham Planet doesn't quite have the right ring to it :lol

Maybe something like a game with different parts and each part is a video game version of a graphic novel or famous storyline (ie Killing Joke, Long Halloween, Knightfall, etc)? There are some great moments in Batman's history that could be quite fun to play. I guess they've even hinted at that with the Neal Adams and TDKR skins in this game. How awesome would those games be? :drool
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Rocksteady couldn't do Spider-Man if they wanted to. After the success of Arkham Asylum, Warner Bros. acquired Rocksteady. A company that owns DC Comics would never allow an in-house studio to make a game for their largest competitor.

Also, Lambo, where'd you get that Rocksteady has no interest in Superman? I never knew that "I'll see what I can do," means "Not gonna happen." Even if they did say they weren't interested, that doesn't mean it wouldn't happen. When Arkham Asylum was released, they said they had no interest in bringing in Robin or Nightwing, and yet, here they are.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

I think it still holds true about Nightwing and Robin actually. They are basically just more skins of Batman. I doubt they have their own fighting style like Catwoman so they are more or less just Batman. I don't think they are in the STORY at all, just the challenges. Which is what I get from that quote. They didn't bring Nightwing or Robin into the game. They are just extras for the non-story part. :dunno