Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

As much as I like Spidey, and I really do, Batman has him beat. I mean, come on, Batman has a contingency plan in place in case any member of the League goes rouge. Batman knows how to and is willing to take out his teammates, partners, and friends. You can't say the same about Spidey. He's all "great power... great responsibility" and Batman is like "great power... great threat" :lol
Spidey is too trusting and Batman doesn't trust anybody, except maybe Alfred. I can go on, but thats not the point.

Back on topic, I seriously hope Rocksteady continues with Batman and lets somebody else take on Superman, Spider-man, etc in the same manner they handled Batman. They get Batman, I'm not sure they would 'get' Superman or anyone else as well as they did Bats. Let someone who is a big fan of that hero make a great game for that hero. I mean you wouldn't want the Call of Duty guys making a Batman game afterall.

But I am curious to see where Rocksteady takes Batman next. I don't think they really can do another Arkham game. They can only do that so many times without it feeling like the same thing. AC is totally different from AA so that works, but I'm not sure how they could get 'bigger' than AC now. Arkham Planet doesn't quite have the right ring to it :lol

Maybe something like a game with different parts and each part is a video game version of a graphic novel or famous storyline (ie Killing Joke, Long Halloween, Knightfall, etc)? There are some great moments in Batman's history that could be quite fun to play. I guess they've even hinted at that with the Neal Adams and TDKR skins in this game. How awesome would those games be? :drool

I guarantee that some will begin to grow tired of the free flow system just as they did with Spidermans combo system. Spiderman had a billion moves on the majority of his games, but it seems like most chose to stick with his basic ones because they could beat the game with them :lol(I didn't)

Despite Batman and Spiderman experiencing their loved ones being killed by gunfire, Spiderman grew to be the better man, which is why he's the better hero. Spiderman doesn't trust everyone also, but his personality is far simply better/greater than Batmans. Batmans is rarely funny or friendly, whereas Spiderman can be friendly (but when Spidey gets serious...)
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

They do have their own fighting styles. From what I gathered from the Robin trailer, he is much more agility-based and incorporates his Bow-Staff into fighting. Rocksteady wouldn't half-ass it. Bottom line:I don't care who does Superman as long as they do for him what Arkham Asylum did for Batman.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

If Rocksteady were to do a Spidey game, they would have to make it MUCH different then the generic Spidey games of the past few years. All the Spidey games are all the freaking same, just a different title....but if anyone is able to do it, it's Rocksteady.

I would LOOOOOOOOVE to have an awesome Superman game. I'm trying to think, but I don't think there has EVER been a good Superman game :monkey2
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Soooo...did anyone forget that Rocksteady is owned by Warner Bros., who own DC, who is a direct competitor to Marvel, who own Spider-Man?
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

I'll throw this out there for those wondering how Rocksteady can top Arkham City -- think Justice League. It's the natural outgrowing of Batman. And you can easily take that into various incarnations: embryonic JLA, full-gear JLA, etc. I mean, we're salivating at how many more heroes and villains they've thrown into AC. The same mind-blowing effect can be had if they now branch this out into a Justice League!

Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

DC Universe, I think we can consider that a failure, I wouldn't mind Rocksteady trying their hand at that.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

To all you great So-Cal residents.....

Come, party and rage !!!!!!!!!!!!!.... while I am in full blown action.



Be there !!!
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

I think a Superman game could work if they take it from the top. Start at the golden years, and instead of upgrading gadgets, your xp earn you upgrades to powers (I.E. leaps to leaping tall buildings to flying.) Since it's at the beginning, have threats get increasingly difficult as you gain power.

At the beginning, you fight crooks, cops, and military.(Who can hurt you, as you are impervious to bullets, but they still hurt like hell.) To villains like Metallo and Parasite, (Who would both require you to change up the way you fight.) to an army of androids and, at the forefront, Brainiac. To a climactic invasion from Zod and an army of rogue Kryptonians. By the end of the game, you are the modern day Superman, flying, bulletproof, more powerful than a locomotive, etc.

Subsequent outings could bring in more powerful villains such as Darkseid, and Doomsday, as well as other challenges (No yellow sun on Apokolips, magic based and brute force based enemies, etc.)
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

If Rocksteady were to do a Spidey game, they would have to make it MUCH different then the generic Spidey games of the past few years. All the Spidey games are all the freaking same, just a different title....but if anyone is able to do it, it's Rocksteady.

I would LOOOOOOOOVE to have an awesome Superman game. I'm trying to think, but I don't think there has EVER been a good Superman game :monkey2

If the Arkham Asylum games continue down this path, they will become "generic" also. Spiderman has "been there, done that" with free roam, which is what Arkham Asylum players want for their games. In the end, It just won't flow right because you can't do whatever you want as a hero, and you can't run down people with the Batmobile.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

I think a Superman game could work if they take it from the top. Start at the golden years, and instead of upgrading gadgets, your xp earn you upgrades to powers (I.E. leaps to leaping tall buildings to flying.) Since it's at the beginning, have threats get increasingly difficult as you gain power.

At the beginning, you fight crooks, cops, and military.(Who can hurt you, as you are impervious to bullets, but they still hurt like hell.) To villains like Metallo and Parasite, (Who would both require you to change up the way you fight.) to an army of androids and, at the forefront, Brainiac. To a climactic invasion from Zod and an army of rogue Kryptonians. By the end of the game, you are the modern day Superman, flying, bulletproof, more powerful than a locomotive, etc.

Subsequent outings could bring in more powerful villains such as Darkseid, and Doomsday, as well as other challenges (No yellow sun on Apokolips, magic based and brute force based enemies, etc.)

This would be amazing :hi5:
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

I think a Superman game could work if they take it from the top. Start at the golden years, and instead of upgrading gadgets, your xp earn you upgrades to powers (I.E. leaps to leaping tall buildings to flying.) Since it's at the beginning, have threats get increasingly difficult as you gain power.

At the beginning, you fight crooks, cops, and military.(Who can hurt you, as you are impervious to bullets, but they still hurt like hell.) To villains like Metallo and Parasite, (Who would both require you to change up the way you fight.) to an army of androids and, at the forefront, Brainiac. To a climactic invasion from Zod and an army of rogue Kryptonians. By the end of the game, you are the modern day Superman, flying, bulletproof, more powerful than a locomotive, etc.

Subsequent outings could bring in more powerful villains such as Darkseid, and Doomsday, as well as other challenges (No yellow sun on Apokolips, magic based and brute force based enemies, etc.)

Mate, excellent idea.
I can't say on that subject besides: I would so buy this game.
There still needs to be the absolute Superman game!!!
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

I think a Superman game could work if they take it from the top. Start at the golden years, and instead of upgrading gadgets, your xp earn you upgrades to powers (I.E. leaps to leaping tall buildings to flying.) Since it's at the beginning, have threats get increasingly difficult as you gain power.

At the beginning, you fight crooks, cops, and military.(Who can hurt you, as you are impervious to bullets, but they still hurt like hell.) To villains like Metallo and Parasite, (Who would both require you to change up the way you fight.) to an army of androids and, at the forefront, Brainiac. To a climactic invasion from Zod and an army of rogue Kryptonians. By the end of the game, you are the modern day Superman, flying, bulletproof, more powerful than a locomotive, etc.

Subsequent outings could bring in more powerful villains such as Darkseid, and Doomsday, as well as other challenges (No yellow sun on Apokolips, magic based and brute force based enemies, etc.)

:lecture This. Very much this. :exactly::goodpost:

I feel sorry for you kids that can't appreciate the importance of Superman.

I love Batman, too. He's probably tied for my favorite. But today's Cult of Batman is freaking annoying. Especially when some of us were Batman fans before some of you were even fetuses.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

:lecture This. Very much this. :exactly::goodpost:

I feel sorry for you kids that can't appreciate the importance of Superman.

I love Batman, too. He's probably tied for my favorite. But today's Cult of Batman is freaking annoying. Especially when some of us were Batman fans before some of you were even fetuses.

Thulsa Nolan :lecture
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Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Im going to futureshop on midnight release.

Their giving away batman begins bluray (already have the bluray steelbook), arkham city tshirts, posters, and the steelbook when you get it on midnight release.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Im going to futureshop on midnight release.

Their giving away batman begins bluray (already have the bluray steelbook), arkham city tshirts, posters, and the steelbook when you get it on midnight release.

That's a pretty cool promo right there :rock
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

This may be Alfred. There is an AC logo in the bottom right corner.


Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Excuse my ignorance, but is there a batmobile level in this game or does he walk/run/glide the entire game?
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