Sweet Mother of HOLY EFFIN' SHEEEYOTTTTT! That cape! That car! That Scarecrow! Damn you Howard Chan, you get that Arkham City Batman out like yesterday, so you can get that Arkham Knight Scarecrow out like tomorrow, so we can mix and match the best designs, because, ****, that is one of the best Scarecrow designs I've ever seen. It retains all of the best elements of the Asylum Scarecrow while getting rid of the ****** parts (*cough* no shirt, no shoes, not taken seriously *cough*). I'm in absolute awe. That ****in' cape, maaaan; that ****in' cape. When a video game cape has the texture and weight of Keaton's cape in 89, that's when you know that **** just got real. I don't care how many people you fit on a screen at one time, Ubisoft, Batman's cape looks like leather, and rain actually rolls down it!
This is the game I've wanted ever since seeing that Blur trailer for Arkham City, and it looks like, in terms of graphical capabilities, I sure as **** got it. I'm just stunned right now. If anyone would like to donate an older or unused HDTV to the "help batfan08 get prepped for Arkham Knight, he's broke enough" fund, you know how to get in touch.

I'm not even kidding, this year...this year is friggin' great. Even if we're not getting the game in 2014, that was enough. The '66 TV Series, the 25th anniversary of 89, Batfleck, this, and who knows what else. Year of the horse? Nuh-uh. This here; this here's the year of the bat.