Agreed that the voice over could have been better. But, it just seems like the editing was done poorly on some instances and it's not Conroy who's to blame for that. It goes without saying, we know from decades of his voice work, his Batman impersonation is unparallelled.
In any case, the combat doesn't have me worried. The normal enemies encountered are
supposed to be typical street thugs, and not super-powered foes from a Ninja Gaiden game that someone mentioned before. Plus, why would The Batman have to fight for his life against that sort of lot?

. But, I'm sure we'll see more enemy variants, just like there were Titan Henchmen in AA and AC.
I've grown more accustomed to the suit over time, but the armor pieces still don't look right. I would have preferred if they kept the Arkham City design and just slimmed down the character model a bit.
I'm still not sure why the Batmobile even has missiles, as it seems contrary to Batman's "One Rule" to even have that type of weaponry. But, it looks immensely fun to drive - kind of reminds me of Twisted Metal
