I could see that. Personally, I love the Nolan films. I know they're quite different from my conventional idea of Batman, and I accept them as their own thing; an Elseworlds tale, of sorts, but I do wonder what could've been, had they taken a slightly different approach to the Begins follow-ups.
This is exactly what I said after seeing The Dark Knight. A much as I loved it, I said it felt like an elseworlds story. The characters are there but everything's tweaked and changed to fit that universe. Not the comic universe.
Things change.
Batman's been around for 74 years. Of those 70+ years there's been nothing but quality, from films, to tv shows, to animation to comic books. There have been a few stinkers, sure, but for the most part it's been great stuff.
I remember everyone saying in 2007 that nobody would ever be as good as the Nicholson Joker, that he set an un-passable bar, then the Ledger Joker came along.
You go in with the attitude that the "next one" won't be as good and it won't be, for you.
Again, this echoes conversations I've had with friends about the next interpretation and films. Everyone said no one could beat Nicholson's joker, for 15 years or so. Now everyone says no one could beat ledger. A great actor and a great script, and I suppose a great director, is all it takes. And there are plenty of great actors and directors out there. And hopefully the next one won't be like ledger. Not that I didn't enjoy his performance, it was great, but I'd rather see something very different next. I always kind of felt like ledger just played another intelligent psycho as opposed to the joker. But then that fit into the Nolan universe.
Also, just gotta say, Difabio its great to see you posting cool stuff about batman again. I gather TDKR severely disappointed you and understandably you were pretty vocal about your dislike for it. But it's great to see you posting again and showing your love and understanding of the character. Always love those posts of yours.
Batman isn't supposed to be relatable, that's Spider-Mans role.
Batman is better than us, he doesn't back down, he doesn't give up, he's what we strive to be, an ordinary human who exceeds average human qualities to become something stronger, that's why people love him.
In the real world people would've forgotten about Dent after a year or two, if ideals lasted forever society would'nt have the negative aspects that it does, you need people to spread and enforce those ideals, with Dent dead and Batman gone what they both fought for died.
Superman is the superhero with the ideals, Truth, Justice and the american way and so on.
Batman represents the perserverance to unwavingly enforce those ideals, risking life, limb and personal happiness in the process.
I'm not saying the films were bad, far from it, i'm saying that TDK & TDKR took that key character aspect and destroyed with the 8 year retirement at the end of TDK and retirement at the end of of TDKR.
They fudged up the most important character aspect of Batman, hell even Batman Forever understood the character better, he was going to quit but realised it's who he is and he can't quit hence "Batman Forever", not "Batman for a little while"
This, among a few other things, was one of my biggest problems with TDKR, it did take away from the character. But, as I stated above, I view these a elseworlds stories anyway, so it almost doesn't matter I guess. Hey, my huge, ranting post has come full circle. See, nolans not the only one who can do that. :Lol
To me, the perfect batman film series hasn't been done yet. Batman and returns are huge parts of my childhood, and delve into the characters brilliantly. But they'd go down hill after that. Batman begins, to me, is possibly the best batman movie yet. The dark knight was a great cinematic experience with tons of cool moments and a great arc and brilliantly explored its ideals, but again, I feel like TDKR, while I don't hate it, did let me down and doesn't feel like a completion or even a continuation of the dark knight. So fingers crossed we'll see something more consistent and faithful to the comics in the next instalments.
Wow, that was a long a no doubt pointless post. Forgive the rant. Haha.