Dude is legit tall

My name... is... BATMAN.
Pasty-faced white nobility becomes kick-*** avenger of the night?
Benedict. Cumberbatch.
Seriously, watch Star Trek Into Darkness, if you haven't yet. This dude would be perfect.
Even though I LOATHE STID, even i can't argue that he could pull off Bruce/Batman or that he was the best part of the travesty of a film. But I think he may be a bit beyond what WB wants to pay. But if he would take the role he is by far the best actor we've come up with.
I don't see why more people aren't saying this. If you google 'Benedict Cumberbatch batman,' you get maybe one or two hits actually suggesting that he play the next Batman. I've heard one of the main reasons Christian Bale got the role as Batman was because it basically went viral that he should play Batman after his performance in American Psycho. If we could start that same kind of buzz about Cumberbatch, that would be awesome.
Oh, and I have to agree with you on STID. Cumberbatch's performance was by far the best part of the movie.
The more i look at the Khan photos, especially the Empire handcuff one, the more i see Bruce. He's def young enough especially when next to Cavil. His Khan and his Sherlock show he can portray that inner darkness.The real question is can he pull off an American accent? He hasn't ever done one on anything I've ever seen.
I wouldn't even mind if he had a British accent. I don't remember if the accent came through as Khan, but he could almost play the exact same character, in almost the same way.
Well Bruce is American, and he would need to at least try to pull one off. he doesn't have to be Hugh Laurie, but please be better at it than Daniel Craig(whom I love).
And his Khan character, minus the murdering, would be perfect for Batman. Dark, driven, intelligent, arrogant(to a point). Always focused on his mission. I say WB/DC needs to look into this one. Make a phone call to gauge interest.
I was thinking Cummberbatch as perhaps Braniac in a MOS squekuel but i didnt think of him as Batman, give him an american accent and pump him up you might have a great batman.
I do want a great actor, but i want a fun actor also. Bale was so serious, and thats a good thing but i want somthing different.
I was thinking Cummberbatch as perhaps Braniac in a MOS squekuel but i didnt think of him as Batman, give him an american accent and pump him up you might have a great batman.
I do want a great actor, but i want a fun actor also. Bale was so serious, and thats a good thing but i want somthing different.
Him as Brainiac would be genius
That's because he is one. Don't you watch youtube?