Super Freak
No worries they won't be for long.....
What's that suppose to mean?
Don't expect your piece to look like this in any way possible?
Joking aside, is this new? I always thought that the "prototype shown" disclaimer was always there.
That is something new that they have put on there for some reason. Gives me chills thinking of what it could mean.
The label is new but the concept of labeling photos as prototype is not new to Sideshow. They are just doing it because I am sure they get a lot of complaints when the final piece doesn't look like the prototype. Makes sense to me.
It makes a lot of sense. I was just worried that since I have never seen it on the website page for the michael keaton statue; there might be something wrong. Like something they didn't expect to happen. It's one of my first purchases from SS and I just don't want to get disappointed with the product.
Wished I would've waited and used a $20 coupon.
Don't worry too much.. I have loads of SSC items that turned out just fine.... There are many folks that will never be happy with anything.. Don't let them spook you, this is a great hobby and loads of fun, unless you let it control and consume your every thought and then you begin to loose track that these are statues and action figures...Here's to our Batman PF's looking good!
That is something new that they have put on there for some reason. Gives me chills thinking of what it could mean.
I'd only worry if they change their return policy. It is weird though, they should only start using that "prototype shown" tag on new items. Not something that is going on a year of pre orders, it only makes them look more shady.
Okay so how in the hell does that guy have one and mine is still stranded on some freezing cold shipping dock? I was a day one pre-order. Same for Catwoman and I see people all over this forums with theirs. What gives?
The belt needs to be lowered a bit, wonder if it's fully sculpted.
Other than that, based on that pic, this looks incredible imo.