Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Sure some of the audience hate him but the majority, nah

I'm exaggerating for humour. Certainly don't hate him, in fact I think Cavill has major potential in the role. Just some of the writing and/or editing choices were poor and made him seem a bit of a prick at times, most notably at the very end when he destroys the drone.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The ones without Batman? Looking at their scheduled line up, I'm confident that more than half of them are likely to fail on some level.

Suicide Squad is going to be a hit, and I think Wonder Woman, Flash and Aquaman should be fine too, only that Cyborg film has real potential to be a bomb.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

:lol :lol :lol

Last I checked Will Smith is the lead in Suicide Squad.

I’m rooting for these DC movies, but this movie won’t do big numbers based on his name alone, they’re gonna have to make him pretty likable in these JL films to really ensure the movie won’t bomb.
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Suicide Squad is going to be a hit, and I think Wonder Woman, Flash and Aquaman should be fine too, only that Cyborg film has real potential to be a bomb.

That's racist.


I think one big reason no one digs Cyborg is how is a ****ing prick in the New 52, not to mention taking the spot of MM as the formation of the League (I could care less, but I guess some complain about it.)

Also I mostly want to see Cyborg; ONLY, if it's a Teen Titans film. I could care less, if I want Cyborg, I'll pop in the original Robocop.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Darkseid? Heh, the big super villain will be the Joker prolly.

These DC and Justice League movies are gonna bomb I bet and they'll go back to the tired but true formula they've used for the past two decades, Batman.


These movies are going to suck balls, DC should just throw in the towel
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


These movies are going to suck balls, DC should just throw in the towel

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Aside from a bunch of Internet fan boys no one is going to give a **** about these DC offshoot movies and will fail miserably

Will smith?? Fresh prince was 20 plus years ago he is irrelevant, what was that last atrocity he was in? Last earth? 8 people saw that movie

Gotg was marketed well in a weak year, DC won't have that luxury by the time these hit the screen
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Aside from a bunch of Internet fan boys no one is going to give a **** about these DC offshoot movies and will fail miserably

Will smith?? Fresh prince was 20 plus years ago he is irrelevant, what was that last atrocity he was in? Last earth? 8 people saw that movie

Gotg was marketed well in a weak year, DC won't have that luxury by the time these hit the screen
