Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Also, you're saying that had the humans not messed with the Tesseract, there wouldn't have been an Alien invasion? Well, had the humans not messed with the Kryptonian ship that was on earth for thousands of years, there wouldn't have been an Alien invasion

Right. I was conceding that the arrival of aliens in both movies was neither Kal-El or Thor's "fault" because both "beacons" required human tampering. I guess my main thing with Thor and Supes' shortcomings is where did they start and where did they end? Thor was selfish and immature and put people in danger unnecessarily, it's true. But that was the *beginning* of his arc. He didn't end up that way.

Did Superman outgrow his tendency to destroy expensive equipment of humans who got in his way? No. He busts up people's trucks in the beginning and takes out drones at the end. Same old same old. You better not cross him.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Right. I was conceding that the arrival of aliens in both movies was neither Kal-El or Thor's "fault" because both "beacons" required human tampering. I guess my main thing with Thor and Supes' shortcomings is where did they start and where did they end? Thor was selfish and immature and put people in danger unnecessarily, it's true. But that was the *beginning* of his arc. He didn't end up that way.

Did Superman outgrow his tendency to destroy expensive equipment of humans who got in his way? No. He busts up people's trucks in the beginning and takes out drones at the end. Same old same old. You better not cross him.

Different characters. Thor's arc is different. Superman was never a spoiled entitled kid. Thor was more flawed to begin with, which is a good thing if you're telling a story I guess. Thor was a god who became human/mortal as a punishment until he was worthy of those powers again. Superman never had that issue because. When he was a kid in the flashback scene, and he was bullied, he could have hurt the bully, but he didn't. Sup's story was more about him learning about his origin and identity, not becoming a better person.

What was Superman's big personal flaw? He destroyed a truck that belonged to a sexist dude who physically assaulted him ...that's a tendency? The Army was spying on him after he let them arrest him and he saved the planet, so he took the satellite down. I don't think that was something essential to the story or his character to begin with. That wouldn't be a very compelling story if it was. The story of a guy who learns the value of expensive equipment....oh and he's the last of an alien "god" race :lol

Not once has he put his hands on a human...can't say the same for Reeve's Superman or Thor. Not to mention, that what ever progress or growth he made as a leader and a hero in the first was gone in Thor 2. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I hope this movie does well. DC needs more movies. The fact that they are owned by Time Warner who also owns Warner Bros, it is mind boggling that other than batman and superman no other dc hero was made into a movie. They have so much on the line. This film HAS to be good.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well statistically speaking, they should eventually make a good one, even if it's just by accident/chance. So I agree, they need to make more and keep trying, so eventually that might happen!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Green Lantern.

Not just DC either. Universal has been trying to mimic Marvel's shared universe. Wolfman was to be the start but it flopped. Then they said it'd be Dracula Untold. Didn't do too well.

Now they say it will all start with The Mummy remake. :lol Sure thing guys.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

If they're relying on the success of a reboot of a pretty ****** franchise to start with in the Frasier Mummy series to jumpstart their "monster universe," then I'm not too optimistic about their chances.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Not to mention thought Joe Johnston would be a good jumping off point after 15 years off not making a well recieved movie.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It will be hilarious if BVS completely sucks and "bombs" as a result :lol I don't know what I want more, this film to be great, or for it to fail just to see WB's /fanboy's reaction :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't think it'll flop, even if it's a train wreck it'll probably make bank which is all they really care about going forward.(Batman is in there for the skrillah) I don't think many of the other lead-ins will do well though. I can totally see Wonder Woman flopping.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It will make money, but as ASM 2 showed, it takes more than that. It has to meet expectations for the return on the investment, and that could mean $350 million domestic or something ridiculous like that. And I suspect that expectations will be high, not just because they're gonna market the ever loving **** out of this, but because it is supposed to be the basis for all these other films that have been announced a la Venom, Sinister Six, etc.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yea, but I do think A2, BvS, and Star Wars are in pretty good position to smash records. I also think the combo of all of them coming in one summer is going to help the other because it's just such a crazy thing for fanboys in general to get so much top tier stuff like this at once.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I guess I just figured that if an alien, a murderer, could learn the value of human machinery then maybe we could too but alas.

:lol You know who learned the value of expensive machinery? The U.S government and the taxpayers after the helicarriers and Shield went down in flames :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'll be first in line to eat some of that crow if this movie is genuinely awesome. If nothing else, it's going to be hard to go downhill from where they've been.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

All signs point to Bomb City, but maybe Snyder pulls a rabbit out of his...hat.

I don't think there's enough info or signs to suggest this film will fail. Other than Snyder directing, the Affleck casting, Gal as WW, WB's track record, and WB playing catch up, I really don't think there's much to worry about. That new batmobile looks cool, right?